AB 1794-ASB2

Exact specifications may vary depending on the specific model revision of the 1794-ASB2 module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Input Channel Count: The number of analog input channels the module can accept (e.g., 4 channels, 8 channels).
  • Input Signal Type: The type of analog signals the module can handle (e.g., voltage input range, current input range).
  • Resolution: The level of detail in which the analog signal is converted into a digital value (e.g., 12-bit resolution, 16-bit resolution).


The code “AB 1794-ASB2” refers to an Allen-Bradley 1794 Flex I/O Analog Input Module manufactured by Rockwell Automation. Here’s a breakdown of the product details:

Product Name:

  • Allen-Bradley 1794-ASB2 Analog Input Module (exact name may vary depending on model revision)

Product Description:

The AB 1794-ASB2 is a module within the Allen-Bradley 1794 Flex I/O system. Flex I/O is a modular I/O system designed for expanding the input and output capabilities of compatible Rockwell Automation controllers. The 1794-ASB2 specifically handles analog input signals.

Product Function:

  • The 1794-ASB2 module receives analog voltage or current signals from various sensors and field devices used in industrial automation applications.
  • These signals represent real-world process variables like temperature, pressure, flow, or level.
  • The module converts these analog signals into digital values for the connected PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to understand and process.

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Rockwell Automation Datasheet for details):.

Exact specifications may vary depending on the specific model revision of the 1794-ASB2 module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Input Channel Count: The number of analog input channels the module can accept (e.g., 4 channels, 8 channels).
  • Input Signal Type: The type of analog signals the module can handle (e.g., voltage input range, current input range).
  • Resolution: The level of detail in which the analog signal is converted into a digital value (e.g., 12-bit resolution, 16-bit resolution).
  • Accuracy: The closeness of the converted digital value to the actual analog input signal.
  • Sampling Rate: The rate at which the module samples the analog input signal (e.g., samples per second).