Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Schneider Electric website or datasheet for details):

Exact specifications may vary depending on the revision of the Triconex 3708E module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Number of Channels: The number of thermocouple inputs the module can accommodate (typically 16).
  • Temperature Measurement Range: The range of temperatures the module can measure (e.g., -200 to 1372°C or -328 to 2499°F).
  • Input Accuracy: The level of precision in measuring temperature based on thermocouple type and calibration.
  • Communication Interface: The method used for data transmission to the SIS controller (e.g., Triconex communication protocol).
  • Safety Certifications: Certifications by regulatory bodies for use in safety instrumented systems (e.g., IEC 61508).


The code “TRICONEX TRICON 3708E” refers to an industrial safety instrumented system (SIS) component manufactured by Invensys (now part of Schneider Electric). Here’s a breakdown of the product details:

Product Name:

  • Invensys Triconex 3708E Thermocouple Analog Input Module

Product Description:

The Triconex 3708E is a safety-rated module used in safety instrumented systems (SIS) for critical industrial processes. An SIS is a separate layer of control designed to protect personnel, equipment, and the environment from accidents caused by unexpected process malfunctions. The 3708E specifically functions as a thermocouple analog input module.

Product Function:

The Triconex 3708E performs the following tasks within an SIS:

  • Thermocouple Signal Input: It accepts electrical signals from thermocouples, which are temperature sensors used in various industrial applications.
  • Signal Conditioning and Isolation: The module amplifies, filters, and isolates the weak thermocouple signal for accurate and reliable processing within the SIS.
  • Linearization and Calibration: It compensates for non-linearities in the thermocouple response and applies calibration factors to ensure precise temperature measurement.
  • Fault Detection and Diagnostics: The 3708E continuously monitors its own health and the thermocouple signal for potential faults. It can detect issues like sensor opens, shorts, or signal errors and report them to the SIS controller for appropriate safety actions.
  • Safe Data Transmission: The module transmits the processed temperature data to the SIS controller in a secure and reliable manner to maintain system integrity.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL):

The Triconex 3708E is designed to meet specific Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirements. SIL is a performance measure for safety instrumented systems, indicating the probability of a system failing to perform its safety function upon demand. The specific SIL rating for the 3708E depends on the configuration and application.

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Schneider Electric website or datasheet for details):

Exact specifications may vary depending on the revision of the Triconex 3708E module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Number of Channels: The number of thermocouple inputs the module can accommodate (typically 16).
  • Temperature Measurement Range: The range of temperatures the module can measure (e.g., -200 to 1372°C or -328 to 2499°F).
  • Input Accuracy: The level of precision in measuring temperature based on thermocouple type and calibration.
  • Communication Interface: The method used for data transmission to the SIS controller (e.g., Triconex communication protocol).
  • Safety Certifications: Certifications by regulatory bodies for use in safety instrumented systems (e.g., IEC 61508).