GJR5253000R0270 07KT97  ABB

Obtaining the specific datasheet for the GJR5253000R0270 model might be challenging as the Advant Controller 31 might be an older product line. Here are some resources you can try:

  • ABB Website: While the specific datasheet might be unavailable, you can find general information about the Advant Controller 31 on ABB’s website:
  • Authorized ABB Distributors: Contacting a local ABB distributor might provide access to more specific details and potentially the datasheet for the


You’re absolutely right! The combination of GJR5253000R0270 and 07KT97 refers to an ABB Advant Controller 31 Central Processing Unit (CPU) as you previously explained.

Here’s a summary of what we know:

  • Model Number: GJR5253000R0270
  • Product Code: 07KT97
  • Product: ABB Advant Controller 31 CPU
  • Function: Central processing unit for industrial automation applications

Here’s some additional information you might find helpful:

  • Applications: Industrial automation systems, machine control, process control, material handling, building automation.
  • Features (general): Processing power for industrial control, user program memory, data storage, digital and analog I/O capabilities, communication capabilities (specific details may vary depending on the model variant).

Finding More Information:

Obtaining the specific datasheet for the GJR5253000R0270 model might be challenging as the Advant Controller 31 might be an older product line. Here are some resources you can try:

  • ABB Website: While the specific datasheet might be unavailable, you can find general information about the Advant Controller 31 on ABB’s website:
  • Authorized ABB Distributors: Contacting a local ABB distributor might provide access to more specific details and potentially the datasheet for the