electrical factories are almost all producing programmable controller devices. The programmable controller has been included in the production as an independent industrial equipment, becoming the leading electronic control device of the contemporary. From the development history of programmable controller, we can know that the function of programmable controller is constantly changing, and its name
evolution has experienced the following process: The early product name was “Programmable Logic Controller” (PLC), which mainly replaced traditional relay contact control systems. With the development of microprocessor technology, the functions of programmable controller are also increasing, so programmable logic controller (PLC) can not describe its multifunctional characteristics. In 1980, the Electrical Manufacturers Association of America (NEMA) gave him a new Programmable Controller, or PC. In 1982, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) specifically for programmable controller under the strict definition. However, PC this abbreviation name has already become a synonym of
Personal Computer (Personal Computer) in China, in order to avoid confusion of terminology, so the abbreviation name PLC is still used in China in the early stage of programmable controller, but this PLC does not mean only with logic function. 4. The definition of programmable controller Programmable controller has been under development, so until now, it has not been possible to give a final definition. The NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) defined a programmable controller in 1980 as follows: “A programmable controller is a digital electronic device that uses programmable