EPRO PR6424/108-100

EPRO PR6424/108-100 quickly find the desired variable or process point within the scope noodle. ABB is the world’s largest in measurement and process automation One of the equipment and system suppliers. An important factor in maintaining this market position is the quality of our products quantity, and quality from manufacture all the way to service.…

EPRO PR6424/018-021

EPRO PR6424/018-021 a permanent connection to the system. Freelance 800F Process Control Stage At the process control level, the Freelance 800F system can be controlled by It consists of a number of process control stations connected to I/O units. you can choose this Some process stations are in redundant mode (CPU redundancy, fieldbus module redundancy…

EPRO PR6424/018-100

EPRO PR6424/018-100 system. ●Provide system-wide unified inspection of user applications, overriding from process control stations, operator stations to intelligent field devices, including Including the integrity and consistency check of the user program. ●The programming language strictly complies with the international standard of IEC61131-3, and has There are high-performance graphics editing functions: – Function Block Diagram…

EPRO PR6424/017-021

EPRO PR6424/017-021 Glossary Process station: This term is used to describe AC800F controllers (field controllers) and rack-mounted controllers. A process station can be designed to be redundant configuration and non-redundant configuration. AC800F : This term is used to describe the AC800F Field Controller type of process station. A redundant process station consists of 2 AC800F…

EPRO PR6424/017-100

EPRO PR6424/017-EPRO PR6424/017-100 inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control The scheme can be realized…

EPRO PR6424/013-100

EPRO PR6424/013-100EPRO PR6424/013-100addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control The scheme can be realized by the combination of these function blocks. The function blocks provided by the system…

EPRO PR9268/300-000

EPRO PR9268/300-000 encapsulated in an all-metal shell, which can withstand the most Harsh industrial environment. The device can be installed either in a cabinet or on a wall. System complies with all current EMC standards and is CE marked Chi.  Industrial” DCS system design purpose: the most economical engineering investment, the most powerful control function.…

EPRO PR6424/000-000+CON021

EPRO PR6424/000-000+CON021as I/0 or field instruments) adopts the international standard field controller. Wire. The field controller supports various field buses such as Profibus. Profibus is the most widely used open field bus in the world. Line international standard, divided into FMS, DP and PA three levels, DP communication rate can be as high as 12Mb.…

EPRO PR6423/002-000+CON021

EPRO PR6423/002-000+CON021 uickly find the desired variable or process point within the scope noodle. ABB is the world’s largest in measurement and process automation One of the equipment and system suppliers. An important factor in maintaining this market position is the quality of our products quantity, and quality from manufacture all the way to service.…

EPRO PR6423/000-040

EPRO PR6423/000-040 configures and adjusts the system Mode. Usually, we can use portable devices such as notebooks to The system is now configured in the office and on site. Operator-level PC Can also be used as an engineer station. Engineer standing during system uptime Intervals can be closed without a permanent connection to the system.…