conventional I/0 and various field bus devices such as Profibus, FF, CAN, and Modbus. system tool It has a high degree of flexibility and excellent scalability, whether it is the control of small production units, or the control of ultra-large-scale whole plants – integrated control, even The Industrial” system can handle the application of field…


programmed by the user, a list of variables and labels is automatically created. Moreover, both variables and process points can be opened and closed directly in FBD or IL Revise. List other features include: Project-wide modification of names, comments, data or module types ●Search and display based on specific criteria ● Cross reference can be…


it, the macro library and graphic symbols can be customized for the user. Blocks can create graphics and operator panels. ●Any standard can be integrated by means of GSD file import PROFIBUS-DP and PA devices, and through user-defined pairing dialog box to design the configuration window for these devices. ●Profibus field controller can be integrated…


through FDT/DTM technology line equipment system structure The Freelance 800F process control system is divided into operator levels and process control level. The operator level contains controls for operation and display. Archiving and logging, trending and alarming functions. Controller executes open loop and closed loop control function. Freelance 800F DigiVis Operator Level DigiVis operator stations…


control station and the operator station According to communication. For field devices, process control stations and operator stations, a unified global database is used for the entire control system, thereby reducing cost and time investment in establishing data communication and interactive access. And ensure the consistency of data throughout the system. ●Provide system-wide unified inspection…


investment of modern automation system, due to the hardware equipment department It only takes up less cost in the whole system, then write engineering applications The cost of software becomes increasingly important. Generally speaking, a self The engineering application software cost of the automation project accounts for about the entire project. About 50%, it is…


supports all international standard open fieldbuses and can be mixed Simultaneous connection of 4 high-speed fieldbuses (max. 12 MBd) Simple engineering: configuration, commissioning and diagnostics using only the same tool CBF (Control Build F) software mouth Access to all information from the field including equipment management information Global database of fieldbus devices, control levels and…


as PLC communicate with the Industrial” system through the ModBus protocol interface. The system also supports IEC870-5 over-control protocol. discussion. The Flash EPROM inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard In addition to this content, many powerful…


China; 4. It has good openness, flexibility and scalability; Fifth, the project is easy, the interface is friendly, and the maintenance is simple; 2. Industria1″ system communication Industrial” system uses international standard industrial bus. Field controller supports Profibus, FF, ModBus, Can, etc. International standard fieldbus, Profibus is the most widely used open fieldbus international standard…


and debugging of process level, operation level and even fieldbus instruments, and uses the same a global database. The scale of the system is highly scalable, and a single-system supports 1 to a maximum of 100 control stations and 100 operating stations. each control The station can support several thousand I/0 points at most, and…