Showing 1681–1696 of 26913 results

FOXBORO H92A0K9V0H00 Computer

Important Note:

The information provided is based on previously mentioned resources and might not be entirely accurate due to the product’s age. It is highly recommended to consult the provided resources or directly contact Emerson (the current owner of the Motorola Industrial Automation product line) for the most up-to-date product specifications and support.

ABB PM904F 3BDH001002R0001 circuit breaker

  • ABB Website:

    • Search the ABB website using the complete code “PM904F 3BDH001002R0001”. This might lead you to the product pages for the circuit breaker (PM904F) and the trip unit (3BDH001002R0001), where you can find detailed descriptions, specifications, and resources like manuals.
    • You can also browse the ABB Low Voltage Products section to find the specific product category (circuit breakers) and explore similar series or models.

MVME55006E-0163 模块

Important Note:

The information provided is based on previously mentioned resources and might not be entirely accurate due to the product’s age. It is highly recommended to consult the provided resources or directly contact Emerson (the current owner of the Motorola Industrial Automation product line) for the most up-to-date product specifications and support.


ABB SYN5302-0277 product family

    • Contact authorized ABB distributors who might have information about the specific product based on the code. They can also help you find the latest product manuals and technical specifications.

Additional Resources:

  • ABB Product Manuals: The ABB website might offer downloadable resources like user manuals or data sheets for the Micromaster 420 series. Search for the specific model number based on the information found on the website or from distributors.

Important Note:

While the information above suggests a strong possibility that ABB SYN5302-0277 corresponds to an ABB Micromaster 420 AC Drive, it’s crucial to rely on information from official sources like the ABB website or authorized distributors for the most accurate product identification and details.

ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 combination

    • The first part (3BHB) likely refers to the coil series or family.
    • 018162 might indicate specific features or ratings of the coil like voltage, operating frequency, or connection type.
    • R0001 could be a specific code within the series denoting additional details like mounting options or accessories.

Due to the limited information available online and the specific combination of codes, it is difficult to determine the exact product names, descriptions, and parameters.

EMERSON MVME55006E-0163 Computer

  • are not as commonly used in modern industrial applications.
  • Limited information is available online due to the product’s age. Refer to Emerson’s resources for potentially archived product manuals or datasheets.

Here are some resources that might be helpful:

Important Note:

The information provided above is based on publicly available data and might not be entirely accurate due to the product’s age and limited online information. It is highly recommended to consult the resources mentioned above or directly contact Emerson for the most up-to-date product specifications and support.

ABB PFSK151 we can glean about

ABB PFSK151 Product Information

Based on available information and ABB’s product naming conventions, ABB PFSK151 likely refers to a miniature circuit breaker (MCB) manufactured by ABB. However, due to the limited online data for this specific model, some details might be uncertain.

Product Name: ABB PFSK151 Miniature Circuit Breaker (Likely)

Product Description (Possible):

ABB PFTL201C 10KN 3BSE007913R10 模块

  • Product Name: ABB PFTL201C Miniature Circuit Breaker
  • Product Description: This MCB is designed for protecting electrical circuits against overload and short-circuit faults. MCBs are essential safety components used in various electrical distribution applications to safeguard wires and equipment from excessive currents.
  • Product Parameters (Based on Similar Models):
    • Type: Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
    • Brand: ABB
    • Model: PFTL201C
    • Current Rating: 10kA (KiloAmperes)
    • Voltage Rating: Specific voltage rating needs verification (Common MCB voltage ratings are 240V AC or 415V AC).
    • Number of Poles: Likely available in 1, 2, 3, or 4 pole configurations (depending on application needs – number of poles refers to the number of phases the MCB can handle).
    • Interrupting Rating: This specifies the maximum fault current the breaker can interrupt safely. Refer to ABB documentation for the specific rating of the PFTL201C model.
    • Operating Temperature: Likely -25°C to +70°C (typical for ABB MCBs).
    • Dimensions and Weight: Refer to ABB catalog or datasheet for specific dimensions and weight.


  • Product Information Limited: Due to the lack of publicly available information online, it’s difficult to determine the exact product name, description, and parameters for this code. It could be an accessory related to the MCB or a separate ABB product altogether.

Finding More Information:

Here’s how to get more details on each product:

ABB PM866AK02 appears to be a motor protection

Here are some suggestions for getting more details about the specific ABB PM866AK02 variant:

  • ABB Catalogs: Search the ABB website for catalogs or selection guides related to motor protection relays. You can filter by product type and series (PM866) to find the specific model datasheet for detailed specifications.
  • ABB Online Documentation: ABB might provide online manuals or resources for the PM866 series relays. Check the ABB website’s support section for downloads.
  • Contact ABB Customer Support: Reach out to ABB customer support through their website or their contact information provided there. Provide the model number “PM866AK02” and inquire about the specific features and datasheet for this motor protection relay variant.

I hope this information is helpful!

ABB PM645B 模块

Additional Tips:

  • If you find information on similar ABB product codes (e.g., PM641, PM647), their specifications might provide general clues about the possible function and features of the PM645B, even if the exact details differ.
  • Consider contacting electrical equipment suppliers or repair shops that specialize in older industrial automation products. They might have knowledge about discontinued ABB products.

Remember, due to the limited online data, there’s a chance you might not find a comprehensive user manual or datasheet for the ABB PM645B. However, the provided search strategies and tips should help you gather as much information as possible about this product.

ABB PM866K02 模块

Here are some suggestions for getting more details about the specific ABB PM866K02 variant:

  • ABB Catalogs: Search the ABB website for catalogs or selection guides related to motor protection relays. You can filter by product type and series (PM866) to find the specific model datasheet for detailed specifications.
  • ABB Contact Support: Reach out to ABB customer support through their website or their contact information provided there. Provide the model number “PM866K02” and inquire about the specific features and datasheet for this motor protection relay variant.

I hope this information is helpful!

ABB AC800M 3BSE053240R1 PM891 模块

  • Product Parameters:

    • Type: Safety I/O Module
    • Brand: ABB
    • Channels: Likely 16 (digital and analog)
    • Input/Output Types: Digital and Analog
    • Safety Level: Likely SIL 3 (Safety Integrity Level 3 – a high level of safety integrity)
    • Operating Temperature: Likely -40°C to +70°C
    • Dimensions and Weight: Likely 22.5 mm x 100 mm x 115 mm, 0.5 kg (These are typical values for ABB AC800M I/O modules)

ABB 5SHY4045L0004 Based on the information

The information provided here is based on typical specifications for ABB 5SHY series contactors and might not be the exact details for the 5SHY4045L0004 variant. To obtain complete and accurate specifications, refer to the following resources:

  • ABB Catalogs: Search the ABB website for catalogs or selection guides related to contactors. You can filter by product type (Low Voltage Products > Contactors) and series (5SHY) to find the specific model datasheet.
  • ABB Contact Support: Reach out to ABB customer support through their website or their contact information provided there. Provide the model number “5SHY4045L0004” and request the technical datasheet for this contactor variant.

I hope this information is helpful!

ABB 5SHY4045L0006 3BHB030310R0001 模块

Here’s how to get more details on each product:

  • ABB Catalogs: Search the ABB website for catalogs or selection guides related to contactors (for 5SHY4045L0006). You can filter by product type (“Contactors”) and series (5SHY) to find the specific model datasheet.
  • ABB Contact Support: Reach out to ABB customer support through their website or their contact information provided there. Provide the model numbers and inquire about the specific features and datasheets for both products (5SHY4045L0006 and 3BHB030310R0001). Explain that you’re unsure about the second product’s function.

By searching ABB resources and contacting support, you should be able to obtain comprehensive information on both the ABB 5SHY4045L0006 contactor and the specific details of the 3BHB030310R0001 product.

FOXBORO H929049B0500 模块

Contact Schneider Electric Support: Since Schneider Electric owns FOXBORO, reach out to their customer support through their website [invalid URL removed] or their contact information provided there. Provide the model number “H929049B0500” and ask for details on the corresponding product.

  1. Search for Similar Products: Look for Schneider Electric industrial automation product catalogs or legacy FOXBORO product information (if available). You might find similar pressure transmitters or process instruments with matching model number formats (HXXXX) This could give you clues about the possible function and features of the H929049B0500.

  2. Context is Key: If you have any context regarding where you encountered the model number (e.g., a document mentioning the product), that information might help narrow down the search.