Showing 625–640 of 26913 results



  • Emergency Shutdown Valves: De-energizing critical process equipment in case of safety hazards.
  • Safety Alarms and Indicators: Activating sirens, lights, or other indicators to warn personnel of safety conditions.
  • Safety Interlocks: Preventing equipment from starting or operating under unsafe conditions.

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Schneider Electric website or datasheet for details):

Exact specifications may vary depending on the revision of the Triconex 3664 module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Number of Channels: The number of independent digital output channels (typically 2).
  • Output Voltage and Current: The voltage level (e.g., 24 VDC) and current capacity of the output signals.
  • Output Response Time: The time it takes for the module to activate the outputs based on the control signal.
  • Communication Interface: The method used for receiving control signals from the SIS controller (e.g., Triconex communication protocol).
  • Safety Certifications: Certifications by regulatory bodies for use in safety instrumented systems (e.g., IEC 61508).


Important Considerations:

  • Safety-Critical Application: The Triconex 3564 is designed for safety-critical applications. Selection, configuration, and maintenance of this module should be performed by qualified personnel with expertise in functional safety and SIS design.
  • Obsolete Status: It’s important to note that the Triconex 3564 might be an older model (based on search results). If you’re looking for a new SIS component, consult with Schneider Electric or an authorized distributor for a current and supported model.
  • System Integration: The 3564 is a single component within a larger SIS solution. It requires additional components like SIS controllers, other safety input/output modules, and safety final elements (e.g., valves) for a complete safety instrumented system.

By using these suggestions and referring to the resources from Schneider Electric, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Triconex 3564’s functionalities and specifications within a safety instrumented system application. Remember, due to the safety-critical nature of this product, it’s crucial to consult with qualified professionals for proper selection, configuration, and use within an SIS, especially if considering an older model.

TRICONEX TRICON 3805E breakdown of the product details

  • Safety Applications: While the Triconex 3805E can be used in general process control applications, it’s also suitable for safety-critical SIS applications. Selection, configuration, and maintenance of this module should be performed by qualified personnel with expertise in process control and SIS design.
  • System Integration: The 3805E is a single component within a larger process control system. It requires integration with other components like SIS controllers, safety input modules, and process control equipment for a complete solution.

By using these suggestions and referring to the resources from Schneider Electric, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Triconex 3805E’s functionalities and specifications within industrial process control applications, with a potential emphasis on safety-instrumented systems.


Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Schneider Electric website or datasheet for details):

Exact specifications may vary depending on the revision of the Triconex 3708E module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Number of Channels: The number of thermocouple inputs the module can accommodate (typically 16).
  • Temperature Measurement Range: The range of temperatures the module can measure (e.g., -200 to 1372°C or -328 to 2499°F).
  • Input Accuracy: The level of precision in measuring temperature based on thermocouple type and calibration.
  • Communication Interface: The method used for data transmission to the SIS controller (e.g., Triconex communication protocol).
  • Safety Certifications: Certifications by regulatory bodies for use in safety instrumented systems (e.g., IEC 61508).


Finding More Information:

  • Rockwell Automation Website: Search for “1746-NR8” on the Rockwell Automation website ([invalid URL removed]) for the product manual, datasheets, and compatibility information.
  • Authorized Distributors: You can purchase the 1746-NR8 module or find more information from authorized Rockwell Automation distributors.

Additional Considerations:

  • System Integration: The 1746-NR8 module is a component within a larger ControlLogix system. You’ll need additional hardware like ControlLogix controllers, network switches, and Ethernet cables for a complete redundant network solution.
  • Network Design: Planning and configuration of the redundant network topology using the NR8 modules is crucial for optimal performance and ensuring seamless failover.

By using these suggestions and referring to the resources from Rockwell Automation, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the 1746-NR8 network redundancy module’s functionalities and specifications within an Allen-Bradley



  • Context is Key: If you encountered this code on a physical product, look for any accompanying labels or markings that might indicate a brand name, product category, or model number. This additional information can significantly aid your search.
  • Search with Additional Clues: Search online using the code “PQMII-A” along with any surrounding keywords you might have. This could include:
    • Information about where you found the code (e.g., a receipt, parts list, manual).
    • Any functional clues you might have about the product (e.g., if it’s a component in a machine, describe the machine’s function).
  • Image Search: If you have a picture of the product with the code, you can try using a reverse image search engine to find similar products or information about the manufacturer.
  • Contact Potential Manufacturers: If you can identify potential manufacturers based on context or educated guess, try contacting their customer support directly. Provide them with the code and any additional details you have, and they might be able to provide information about the corresponding product.

ABB CP451-10S2

  • System Integration: The CP451-10S2 processor module is a single component within a larger Yokogawa DCS. It requires additional components like I/O modules, operator workstations, and network infrastructure for a complete process control solution.
  • Programming Expertise: Programming the CP451-10S2 module with control logic and configuration settings typically requires knowledge of Yokogawa’s specific programming languages and tools.

By using these suggestions and referring to the resources from Yokogawa, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the CP451-10S2 processor module’s functionalities and specifications within a Yokogawa Distributed Control System.


  • Display Type: Monochrome LCD (likely with limited color options)
  • Touchscreen Technology: Resistive touchscreen (older technology compared to modern capacitive touchscreens)
  • Communication Interface: Likely RS-232 or RS-485 for connection to PLCs
  • Power Supply: 24VDC (as indicated by the code)

Finding More Information (Limited due to End-of-Life Status):

  • Pro-face Website: While the product might be listed as discontinued, the Pro-face website might have archived information or manuals for the GP2000 Series, including the GP2301-LG41-24V.
  • Third-Party Resources: Some industrial automation parts suppliers or online resources might have archived manuals or specifications, but exercise caution regarding accuracy.


Operators can interact with the HMI display through a touchscreen interface to:

  • Initiate commands (start/stop production, change settings)
  • Acknowledge alarms
  • View historical data trends

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to Pro-face website or datasheet for details):

Since the GP2301-LG41-24V is an older model (end of sale September 2013 according to Pro-face website), detailed specifications might be limited. However, some general parameters might include:

  • Display Size: 5.7 inches (diagonal)
  • Display Type: Monochrome LCD (likely with limited color options)
  • Touchscreen Technology: Resistive touchscreen (older technology compared to modern capacitive touchscreens)
  • Communication Interface: Likely RS-232 or RS-485 for connection to PLCs


  • Control actuators connected to Modbus slaves.
  • Monitor the status of various devices on the Modbus network.

Product Parameters and Specifications (Refer to ProSoft Technology website or datasheet for details):

Exact specifications may vary depending on the specific model revision of the MVI56-MCM. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Supported Modbus Versions: The versions of the Modbus protocol the module supports (e.g., Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII).


  • Industry Knowledge: If you have some knowledge about the industry or application where you encountered the code, you can search for products commonly used in that field with similar codes.
  • Broaden your Search: If initial searches don’t yield results, try using broader keywords related to the possible function of the product based on any context you have.

By using a combination of these strategies, you’ll increase your chances of finding the product details associated with the code “LT-21121”. Remember, the more context you have, the easier it will be to narrow down your search.

AB 1794-ASB2

Exact specifications may vary depending on the specific model revision of the 1794-ASB2 module. However, some typical parameters might include:

  • Input Channel Count: The number of analog input channels the module can accept (e.g., 4 channels, 8 channels).
  • Input Signal Type: The type of analog signals the module can handle (e.g., voltage input range, current input range).
  • Resolution: The level of detail in which the analog signal is converted into a digital value (e.g., 12-bit resolution, 16-bit resolution).


  • Contact GE Fanuc Support: For detailed specifications, compatibility information, and calibration details, consider contacting GE Fanuc support directly. They can provide information relevant to your specific application and the availability of documentation for this legacy product.

Additional Considerations:

  • Legacy Product: The HE693STG883 might be a legacy product from Horner Electric. While GE Fanuc might support it, newer PLC I/O modules with similar functionalities might be available in their current product lines.
  • PLC Compatibility: Ensure the HE693STG883 is compatible with the specific Horner or GE Fanuc PLC you intend to use.

By using these suggestions and potentially contacting GE Fanuc support, you can gain a better understanding of the HE693STG883’s role in connecting strain gages to a Horner PLC for industrial automation applications requiring measurement of force, weight, or torque.


  • Baud Rate: The data transfer speed of the serial communication (e.g., 9600 baud, 57600 baud).
  • Data Bits: The number of data bits used per character in serial communication (e.g., 7 bits, 8 bits).
  • Parity: An error checking method used in serial communication (e.g., Even parity, Odd parity, No parity).
  • Stop Bits: The number of stop bits used to define the end of a character in serial communication (e.g., 1 stop bit, 2 stop bits).
  • Input/Output (I/O) Connection: The type of connector used for the RS-232 communication (e.g., DB-9 male, DB-25 female).
  • USB Connection: The type of USB connector for the adapter (e.g., USB-A male, USB-C male).
  • Power Supply: How the device is powered (e.g., USB bus powered, external power adapter).


  • Output Current Capacity: The maximum current the module can deliver to the external device.
  • Output Resolution: The level of detail in which digital signals are converted to analog values.
  • Accuracy: The closeness of the commanded value to the actual output current.
  • Response Time: The time it takes for the module to respond to changes in the input signal.
  • Isolation: Electrical isolation between output channels and the controller for safety and noise protection.

Finding More Information:

  • Baker Hughes Website: Safety instrumented systems are safety-critical components, and detailed information might be restricted. However, you can try searching the Baker Hughes website for “Triconex 5382” or browse their TriPak module product lines for general information.
  • Contact Baker Hughes Support: For detailed specifications, functional details, and safety certification information, consider contacting Baker Hughes support directly. They can provide information relevant to your specific application and safety requirements.