Showing 1121–1136 of 26913 results

ABB 5SGY3545L0003

  • While a specific datasheet for the 5SGY3545L0003 might be difficult to find, here are some resources:
    • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several suppliers sell this module [supplier 1], [supplier 2], [supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer details on specifications, compatibility information, or even application examples.
    • ABB Product Documentation: Search the ABB website for manuals related to specific ABB product lines (e.g., drives, soft starters) where these SCT modules might be used. Look for terms like “ABB drive user manuals” or “ABB soft starter manuals” specifying the product line if known. These manuals might reference compatible SCT modules and their functionalities.

If you have the specific model number for the ABB system you’re working with (e.g., a VSD or soft starter model), searching for that model number along with “5SGY3545L0003” might yield more specific results related to how this SCT module is used within that system.

ELAU PMC-2/11/05/000/00/00/01/00/00

  • Replacement part for a particular PacDrive servo drive model.
  • Component within a larger PacDrive servo drive assembly.

Here are some ways to find more information:

  • Contact ELAU Support: They might be able to decipher the code based on their internal part numbering system.
  • Search for similar ELAU product codes online: If you can find codes with similar structure that have descriptions, it might give clues about the function of PMC-2/11/05/000/00/00/01/00/00.
  • Look for manuals or documentation related to specific ELAU PacDrive models: The code might be referenced within the manuals if it belongs to a particular servo drive model. Look for the model number of the PacDrive system you’re interested in and search for manuals or datasheets related to that specific model.


  • ABB Product Manuals: Search the ABB website for manuals related to specific ABB product lines (e.g., drives, controllers) where communication modules might be mentioned. Look for terms like “ABB drive user manuals” or “ABB controller manuals” specifying the product line if known. These manuals might reference compatible communication modules and their functionalities.
  • Industrial Parts Forums: Search online forums focused on industrial automation or specifically for ABB products. You might find discussions where the SNAT634PAC is mentioned in context, providing clues about its function.
  • ABB Support: Given the limited public information, contacting ABB support directly might be the most effective way to determine the specific function of the SNAT634PAC. They have internal resources or part databases to identify its purpose, especially if it’s an older part.

Additional Tips:

  • If you have any context about where you encountered this part number (e.g., a parts list for a specific ABB system, a service manual for another ABB product), share those details. It can significantly improve the search for its function.
  • Consider searching for similar ABB part numbers (e.g., SNAT609TAI, SNAT603CNT) that have clearer functionalities. These might provide clues about potential functionalities of SNAT634PAC based on naming conventions or the product line they belong to within ABB’s offerings.

By combining these strategies and leveraging any contextual information you have, you should be able to increase the chances of uncovering the specific function of the ABB SNAT634PAC within an ABB automation system.


  • Context is Key: If you have any context about where you encountered this part number (e.g., a parts list for a specific ABB system, a manual for another ABB product), share those details. It can significantly improve the search for its function.
  • Search with Additional Keywords: Try searching for “ABB SNAT609TAI” along with terms like “data sheet”, “manual”, “I/O module”, or “communication interface” You might find references or discussions that provide clues about its purpose.
  • Contact ABB Support: Given the limited public information, contacting ABB support directly might be the most effective way to determine the specific function of the SNAT609TAI. They might have internal resources or part databases to identify its purpose, especially if it’s an older part.
  • ABB Product Manuals: Search the ABB website for manuals related to specific ABB product lines where these control boards might be used. Look for terms like “ABB controller manuals” or “ABB drive manuals” specifying the product line if known. These manuals might reference compatible control boards and their functionalities.

By combining these strategies and leveraging any contextual information you have, you should be able to uncover more details about the specific function of the ABB SNAT609TAI within an ABB industrial automation system.


You’ve previously found some good information about the ABB SNAT603CNT. Here’s a summary of what we know so far:

  • Function: It’s a motor control board used in ABB variable speed drives (VSDs) or AC drives.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Controls the motor’s speed and torque based on user input or control signals.
    • Protects the motor from electrical faults.

BENTLY 330100-90-00

  • Wide operating temperature range: Can function in harsh industrial environments with extreme temperatures.
  • High accuracy: Provides precise distance measurements.
  • Output voltage: Typically offers an analog output voltage (often 4-20mA) proportional to the measured distance.

ABB RK682011-BA

Here are some suggestions for narrowing down the function of the RK682011-BA:

  • Search with additional keywords: Try searching the web for “ABB RK682011-BA” along with terms like “data sheet”, “manual”, or “function”. You might find references or discussions that provide clues about its purpose.
  • Contact ABB: They might be able to provide information about the part, especially if it’s still in production.
  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this module [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer clues based on surrounding text or images associated with the part number, or compatibility information with specific ABB systems.

Additional Tips:


The ABB SNAT603CNT appears to be a motor control board used in ABB drives, based on the information I found online. Here’s a breakdown of what I found:

  • Function: The SNAT603CNT is likely a component within an ABB variable speed drive (VSD) or AC drive. These drives control the speed and torque of AC motors by regulating the electrical power supply.
  • Features: (based on similar models)
    • Controls the motor’s speed and torque based on user input or control signals.
    • Protects the motor from electrical faults like overcurrent or overheating.
    • May communicate with other control systems through various communication protocols.
    • Part of a larger system including the drive housing, power connections, and motor.


Here are some suggestions for narrowing down the function of the SNAT634PAC:

  • Search with additional keywords: Try searching the web for “ABB SNAT634PAC” along with terms like “data sheet”, “manual”, or “function”. You might find references or discussions that provide clues about its purpose.
  • Contact ABB: They might be able to provide information about the part, especially if it’s still in production.
  • Industrial parts suppliers: While the supplier websites might not have detailed information, they might offer clues based on surrounding text or images associated with the part number.
    • Look for details on the supplier’s webpage beyond just the part number (e.g., surrounding text, images).


While I couldn’t locate a specific datasheet for 33C-AJ-D, here are some helpful resources:

  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching online for “FOXBORO 33C-AJ-D datasheet” or “Invensys Foxboro temperature transmitter manual” you might find more specific information.



  • P0960AH plays a crucial role in communication within the I/A Series DCS. It allows I/O modules to:
    • Send data collected from sensors (e.g., pressure, temperature) to the control system.
    • Receive control signals from the system to operate actuators (e.g., valves).

Finding More Information:

  • While I couldn’t locate an official datasheet, here are some resources for further exploration:
    • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this connector [supplier 1, supplier 2, supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide details on specific versions or compatibility information.
    • Online search: Try searching for “FOXBORO P0960AH data sheet” or “I/A Series Z-Bus connector manual”.

If you have the I/A Series model number for your specific system, you might be able to find more detailed information about compatible Z-Bus connector modules in the system’s documentation.


  • While I couldn’t locate an official datasheet, here are some resources for further exploration:
    • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this connector [supplier 1, supplier 2, supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide details on specific versions or compatibility information.
    • Online search: Try searching for “FOXBORO P0960AH data sheet” or “I/A Series Z-Bus connector manual”.

If you have the I/A Series model number for your specific system, you might be able to find more detailed information about compatible Z-Bus connector modules in the system’s documentation.


  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual for the mounting structure, especially if it’s still in production.
  • Industrial parts suppliers: While the supplier websites might not have detailed information, they might offer clues based on surrounding text or images associated with the part number.
  • Search with additional keywords: Try searching the web for “FOXBORO P0950CA” along with terms like “data sheet”, “manual”, “instrument compatibility”, or “outdoor mounting”.

By using these strategies, you might be able to find more specific details about the FOXBORO P0950CA mounting structure.


  • Function: It’s a pre-terminated cable likely used for connecting Foxboro FBM 2xx series devices.
  • Features:
    • Length: 3 meters (approximately 9.8 feet).
    • Type 5 LSZH: This refers to the cable jacket material. LSZH stands for Low Smoke Zero Halogen, which indicates the cable produces minimal smoke and fumes in case of a fire. This is an important safety feature for use in industrial environments.
    • Terminated: The cable likely has connectors pre-installed on both ends, making it ready for immediate use upon installation.


  • If you have any context about where you encountered this part number, share those details. It could be a manual for another FOXBORO product, a parts list, or an obsolete equipment listing. Knowing the context can refine the search for its function.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: While contacting them might take more time, they might have access to internal resources or part databases to identify P0926TP, especially if it’s an older part.

By using a combination of these strategies, you might be able to uncover more information about the specific function of FOXBORO P0926TP.


  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching with the part number along with “Invensys Foxboro” or “pressure transmitter” you might find more specific information online.