Showing 1281–1296 of 26913 results


you have a specific RETA-02 variant or need details about its compatibility with a particular ABB drive model, here are some suggestions:

  • Contact ABB Customer Support: ABB customer support can provide the most accurate information on the RETA-02. They can confirm functionalities, supported protocols, and compatibility details for your specific application.
  • Search for legacy resources: Try searching for terms like “ABB RETA-02 manual” or “ABB legacy drive communication modules” on a general search engine. You might find older manuals or application notes that provide more details about the RETA-02.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions about the ABB RETA-02 or Ethernet adapters for ABB drives.

ABB RETA-02 communication

  • Manufacturing and production facilities
  • Material handling and conveying systems
  • Robotics and automation applications
  • Power generation and distribution
  • Oil and gas processing plants


  • Communication Capabilities:
    • Supports communication protocols for integration with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, enabling remote monitoring and control.
    • This allows for real-time data access, improved fault analysis, and overall enhanced substation management.


  • Search for legacy resources: Try searching for terms like “ABB RER133 manual” or “ABB legacy communication modules” on a general search engine. You might find older manuals or application notes that provide more details about the RER133.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the ABB RER133 or communication protocols in power distribution systems.


  • Contact ABB Customer Support: ABB customer support is likely your best bet to get the most accurate information about the REM615J. They can access product details and specifications for different variants and provide insights into the specific features and functionalities of the REM615J.
  • Search ABB Product Catalogs: Try searching ABB’s product catalogs or datasheets for motor protection relays. You might find a document that mentions the REM615J variant and its specifications.
  • Industrial Automation Forums: Search online forums or communities focused on industrial automation or motor control. Search for discussions about ABB REM615 relays, and if you’re lucky, you might find someone who has experience with the REM615J variant and can share details about it.


  • Crushers and choppers
  • Mixers and agitators
  • Fans and aerators
  • Machine tools and other industrial equipment


  • Industrial Automation Communities: Search for online forums or communities focused on industrial automation or process control. Search within those forums for discussions about FOXBORO products, or try posting a query about P0997FS. Users with experience with older FOXBORO equipment might be able to provide some information.

Additional Considerations:

  • If you have an idea of the timeframe when you encountered the code, search for resources related to FOXBORO products from that era. This might be more helpful than searching for generic FOXBORO information.

Understanding the Limitations:

Even with these approaches, definitively identifying P0997FS might be challenging. It’s possible this code will remain unidentified without more context or internal FOXBORO documentation.

If you can share any additional details about where you came across this code, I might be able to refine the search strategy further.


  • Context is Key: As with previous codes, any additional information about where you encountered P0997FS is crucial. Here are some questions to consider:
    • Was it listed with other FOXBORO products?
    • Was it mentioned in a document related to a specific process or industry (e.g., oil and gas, chemical processing)?
    • Was it labelled on a particular piece of equipment?
    • Did you find it in a list of obsolete FOXBORO products (if such a list exists)?

Knowing the context can provide clues about the product’s function or application and narrow down the search.


Understanding the Limitations:

Due to the lack of online information, definitively identifying P0997FR might be challenging. It’s possible this code will remain unidentified without more context or access to internal FOXBORO documentation.

If you can share any additional details about where you came across this code, I might be able to assist you with a more focused search strategy.


Due to the lack of online information, definitively identifying P0997FR might be challenging. It’s possible this code will remain unidentified without more context or access to internal FOXBORO documentation.

If you can share any additional details about where you came across this code, I might be able to assist you with a more focused search strateg


Understanding the Limitations:

Due to the lack of readily available online information, definitively identifying P0997FM might be challenging. It’s possible this code will remain unidentified without more context or access to internal FOXBORO documentation.

If you can share any additional details about where you came across this code, I might be able to assist you with a more focused search strategy.


Knowing the context can provide clues about the product’s function or application and narrow down the search.

  • Contact Emerson Customer Support: While there’s no guarantee of success, contacting Emerson customer support and providing them with the code P0997FL is still an option. They might have some insights even if the product is discontinued or not publicly documented.

  • Explore Legacy Resources: Try searching for terms like “FOXBORO obsolete products manual,” “FOXBORO legacy product codes,” or “FOXBORO discontinued equipment list” on a general search engine. You might find resources on older FOXBORO products, although information availability might be limited.

Understanding the Limitations:

P0997FJ FOXBORO previous codes, searching

Possible Approaches:

  • Context is Key: If you have any additional information about where you encountered P0997FJ, it could be helpful. Was it on a specific piece of equipment, a document related to a particular project, or a list of FOXBORO products? Context can give clues about the product’s function or application.
  • Contact Emerson Customer Support: While there’s no certainty, contacting Emerson customer support with the code P0997FJ might be worthwhile. They might have insights even if the product is obsolete or not publicly documented.
  • Search Legacy Resources: Try searching for “FOXBORO obsolete products” or “FOXBORO legacy product codes” on a general search engine. You might find resources on older FOXBORO products, but information might be scarce.


Unfortunately, due to the limited information available online, it might be challenging to definitively identify P0997FG. Here are some suggestions:

  • Context is Key: If you have any additional context about where you encountered the code P0997FG, providing that information might help narrow down the possibilities. For instance, was it on a specific piece of equipment, in a document related to a particular project, or on a list of FOXBORO products?
  • Contact Emerson Customer Support: While there’s no guarantee, you could try contacting Emerson customer support and provide them with the product code P0997FG. They might be able to offer some insights, even if the product is obsolete or not publicly documented.
  • Search Legacy Resources: Try searching for “FOXBORO obsolete products” or “FOXBORO legacy product codes” on a general search engine. You might find some resources on older FOXBORO products, although information might be limited.

If none of these suggestions yield a clear answer, it’s possible P0997FG might remain unidentified.


Similar to P0997FG, due to the limited information available online, it might be challenging to definitively identify P0997FH. Here are some suggestions:

  • Context is Key: If you have any additional context about where you encountered the code P0997FH, providing that information might help narrow down the possibilities. For instance, was it on a specific piece of equipment, in a document related to a particular project, or on a list of FOXBORO products?
  • Contact Emerson Customer Support: While there’s no guarantee, you could try contacting Emerson customer support and provide them with the product code P0997FH. They might be able to offer some insights, even if the product is obsolete or not publicly documented.
  • Search Legacy Resources: Try searching for “FOXBORO obsolete products” or “FOXBORO legacy product codes” on a general search engine. You might find some resources on older FOXBORO products, although information might be limited.

If none of these suggestions yield a clear answer, it’s possible P0997FH might remain unidentified.