Showing 145–160 of 8915 results

VMIVME-7750 GE 模块


  • Industrial Control: Implementing real-time control algorithms for machinery, processes, and manufacturing systems.

  • Data Acquisition: Collecting and analyzing data from sensors, transducers, and other measurement devices.

  • Human-Machine Interface (HMI): Providing operator interfaces for monitoring, controlling, and interacting with industrial systems.

  • Embedded Computing: Embedding computing power into specialized industrial equipment and devices.


  • Microcontrollers and Microprocessors: Providing a clock source for microcontrollers, microprocessors, and other digital circuits.

  • Telecommunications Equipment: Generating precise timing signals for synchronization in telecommunications networks.

  • Network Routers and Switches: Maintaining accurate timing for data transmission and network synchronization.

  • GPS Receivers: Providing a reference clock for GPS timekeeping and navigation.


  • Load Capacitance: The oscillator requires a specific load capacitance to achieve optimal performance. Refer to the datasheet for recommended load capacitance values.

  • Power Supply Stability: A stable power supply is crucial for maintaining the oscillator’s frequency accuracy and phase noise performance.

  • ESD Protection: Proper ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) handling procedures are essential to prevent damage to the oscillator’s sensitive components.


Other VMEbus Analog Output Boards: Explore alternative VMEbus analog output boards from vendors like Abaco Systems, Adlink, and Vector Informatik.

  • Non-VMEbus Analog Output Solutions: Consider non-VMEbus analog output solutions like PCI/PCIe-based boards, USB-based devices, or standalone analog output modules, depending on your system requirements and interface preferences.

Additional Notes:

  • The VMIVME-4150 might be an older product and its availability or support from GE Fanuc (ABB) might be limited. Check for updated information or potential alternatives.

  • Refer to the VMIVME-4150 user manual for detailed specifications, installation instructions, programming examples, and troubleshooting procedures. You might find the user manual online or through industrial automation parts suppliers.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the VMIVME-4150, analog output boards, or industrial automation.

REXROTH DKC02.3-100-7-FW

  • The “FW” in the model number likely indicates “standard firmware.” While Bosch Rexroth might have offered firmware upgrades, their availability for potentially discontinued models might be limited.
  • For safety reasons, installation, configuration, and operation of the DKC02.3-100-7-FW should be done by qualified personnel familiar with industrial automation equipment and safety procedures.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the REXROTH DKC02.3-100-7-FW, servo drives, or industrial automation.


  • Project Requirements: When choosing an alternative HMI-PC, consider your project requirements like screen size, processing power, operating system compatibility, and desired functionalities.
  • Software Compatibility: Ensure the chosen HMI-PC is compatible with the software you plan to use for HMI development and control.
  • Support Availability: Look for HMI-PCs with readily available technical support from the manufacturer.

I hope this comprehensive explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions about HMI-PCs or industrial automation systems.


  • Alternatives: Consider alternative VMEbus processor modules with more recent processors, memory capacities, and communication interfaces, especially if you require a long-term solution. Several options include:
    • Newer VMEbus-based processor modules from other manufacturers
    • Modern industrial PCs (IPCs) designed for harsh industrial environments
  • Project Requirements: Evaluate your specific computing power, memory requirements, and communication needs when choosing an alternative solution.
  • Software Compatibility: Ensure the software you intend to use is compatible with the PowerPC architecture and available operating systems for the MVME2400.

Additional Notes:

  • The MVME2400 series may have different model variations with varying memory capacities (e.g., MVME2400-0331 with 64 MB SDRAM). Refer to specific model numbers or datasheets for detailed specifications.
  • Newer processor modules generally offer improved processing power, memory capacity, and communication capabilities compared to the MVME2400.

I hope this explanation clarifies the functionalities and considerations for the Motorola MVME2400. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about VMEbus systems or industrial processor modules.

VME-7807RC GE 板子

  • The VME-7807RC likely uses the “RC” suffix to indicate it meets the European Union (EU) Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive.
  • Newer SBCs generally offer improved processing power, memory capacity, and communication capabilities compared to the VME-7807RC.

I hope this explanation clarifies the functionalities and considerations for the GE Fanuc VME-7807RC. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about industrial SBCs or the VMEbus architecture.


需要注意的是,IS215VCMIH2C GE的具体配置和使用方法可能因实际应用场景和需求而有所差异。因此,在实际应用中,建议根据具体的产品手册和技术规范进行操作,以确保模块的正确使用和性能发挥。

此外,随着技术的不断发展和市场的变化,IS215VCMIH2C GE可能会有新的版本或更新。因此,建议定期查阅相关的技术文档和资料,以了解最新的产品信息和技术动态。


  1. 双PMC端口:支持前面板和P2输入/输出(I/O),为用户提供了更多的连接和扩展选项,以满足不同应用的需求12

此外,MOTOROLA MVME2400的价格可能会因市场变化、供应情况等因素而有所不同。在近期,其价格约为1.1万元人民币3



从规格参数上来看,DS200DSPCH1ADA的输入电压为DC 24V,输出功率为25W,并且能够在-40℃到+85℃的工作温度下稳定运行。它的尺寸为200mm x 150mm x 50mm,方便在各种工业环境中部署和安装2



REXROTH MSK076C-0450-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN 系列伺服电机

  1. 编码器:该电机配备了一个增量式编码器,能够提供精确的位置和速度反馈,使得电机的控制更为精确和可靠3
  2. 冷却方式:电机采用自然对流冷却,即通过自然空气流动来散热,确保稳定的运行温度1
  3. 轴的特性:轴具有键槽,便于与其他机械部件的连接和固定,同时轴还符合一定的标准,并具有轴密封功能,提供出色的密封和防护性能1
  4. 应用领域:这款伺服电机因其高精度、高可靠性和良好的散热性能,广泛应用于工业自动化和控制

A-B 80026-044-06-R 微机保护装置

  1. 品种齐全:可以满足各种类型变配电站的各种设备的各种保护要求,为变配电站设计及计算机联网提供了很大方便1
  2. 硬件先进性:采用的芯片技术先进,如CPU采用80C196KB,测量为14位A/D转换,确保了测量的高精度1
  3. 高度集成化:能够同时实现多种保护功能,减少了外部元件的数量和复杂性,提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性23
  4. 可编程控制:用户可以根据实际需求对保护参数进行设置和调整,提高了其灵活性和适应性23

ACC-5595-208 GE 8口多模光纤

  • Product Information: Product information may have changed since its original release. Refer to the latest GE FANUC documentation for accurate specifications.
  • Purchasing: Exercise caution when purchasing from unauthorized sources. Verify the product’s authenticity, warranty, and compatibility before making a purchase.

Let me know if you have any other questions about the ACC-5595-208 or reflective memory hubs in general.

RS-FS-9001 GE

  • Authorized Baker Hughes Distributors: Contact authorized Baker Hughes distributors for pricing, availability, and technical support.
  • Online Retailers: The RS-FS-9001 may also be available through authorized online retailers of industrial safety equipment.


  • Product Information: Product information may have changed since its original release. Refer to the latest Baker Hughes documentation for accurate specifications.
  • Purchasing: Exercise caution when purchasing from unauthorized sources. Verify the product’s authenticity, warranty, and compatibility before making a purchase.

Let me know if you have any other questions about flame detectors or the RS-FS-9001 specifically.

5466-409 WOODWARD

  • Manufacturer: Woodward
  • Series: MicroNet Digital Control (possibly)
  • Specifications:
    • PC Board
    • Micronet Pentium CPU
    • 64 MB RAM
    • 233 MHz clock speed (according to some sources)

VMIVME-7750 GE 模块

  • LS: Used for lighting products
  • SP: Used for power systems products
  • WR: Used for water treatment products

If you have the correct product code, please provide it and I will be happy to assist you in finding the product information you need.

In the meantime, here are some resources that may be helpful: