• Product Description: A description of the component’s function and typical applications.
  • Technical Specifications: Specifications like voltage rating, current rating, size, weight, and other relevant technical details.
  • Datasheet and User Manuals: These documents provide in-depth information on installation, wiring, configuration, and operation procedures.


The code 20DC460N0ENNBNBNE appears to be a reference number for a component manufactured by Rockwell Automation, often abbreviated as A-B. Here’s a breakdown of the information and some resources to help you identify the specific component:


  • 20DC460N0ENNBNBNE: This is likely a unique product code assigned by Rockwell Automation. While a definitive breakdown of the code might be difficult without referring to internal Rockwell Automation documentation, here’s a possible structure based on common practices:
    • The first few characters (e.g., 20DC) could be a series code for a specific product family.
    • Subsequent characters (e.g., 460) might indicate specific features or variations within the series (e.g., voltage rating or size).
    • The ending sequence (e.g., N0ENNBNBNE) could be an internal code for manufacturing traceability or revision control.

Identifying the Component:


Here are some strategies to pinpoint the exact component based on the code:

  • Rockwell Automation Catalogs: Search for the code within Rockwell Automation’s online or printed catalogs. These catalogs categorize components by series and provide detailed information for each product code.
  • Rockwell Automation Website: Search for the code on the Rockwell Automation website sing the search bar. You might find product pages or datasheets for the specific component if it’s currently in production.
  • Contact Rockwell Automation Support: You can contact Rockwell Automation support directly and provide them with the code. Their technical support representatives can assist you in identifying the component and provide access to relevant resources.

Additional Information:

Once you identify the specific component using the code, you can typically find detailed information about it, including:

  • Product Description: A description of the component’s function and typical applications.
  • Technical Specifications: Specifications like voltage rating, current rating, size, weight, and other relevant technical details.
  • Datasheet and User Manuals: These documents provide in-depth information on installation, wiring, configuration, and operation procedures.


  • Component Availability: The code might refer to an older component that Rockwell Automation no longer manufactures. If this is the case, you might need to search for replacement parts or alternative solutions from Rockwell Automation or other compatible manufacturers.

By using these suggestions and resources, you should be able to identify the specific component referenced by the code 20DC460N0ENNBNBNE and obtain the necessary information for your purposes.