3805E/3805H TRICONEX

  • Manufacturer: Triconex (Baker Hughes)
  • Model Numbers: 3805E, 3805H
  • Product Type: Analog Output Module


Analog output modules are part of an SIS and are responsible for sending continuous analog signals to process equipment during normal operation. These signals can be used to control actuators, valves, or other devices based on commands from the safety logic solver.



TRICONEX 3805E/3805H Analog Output Modules

The TRICONEX 3805E/3805H are most likely two related models of analog output modules used in safety instrumented systems (SIS) manufactured by Triconex, a company now part of Baker Hughes.

Here’s a breakdown of the information:

  • Manufacturer: Triconex (Baker Hughes)
  • Model Numbers: 3805E, 3805H
  • Product Type: Analog Output Module


Analog output modules are part of an SIS and are responsible for sending continuous analog signals to process equipment during normal operation. These signals can be used to control actuators, valves, or other devices based on commands from the safety logic solver.

Potential Key Differences:

The “E” in “3805E” likely denotes “Enhanced,” suggesting it might offer additional features compared to the 3805H. These features could include:

  • Higher resolution or accuracy (e.g., 16-bit vs. 12-bit)
  • Faster response times
  • Additional diagnostics or communication capabilities

Finding More Information:

Obtaining detailed specifications for safety-related components can be challenging due to their critical nature. Here are some resources that might be helpful: