800PP846A ABB

  • Authorized ABB Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized ABB distributors or service providers can be a valuable source of information. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can identify the specific revision of the 800PP846A panel and provide detailed specifications. They can also advise on potential replacements if the 800PP846A is no longer readily available.

Additional Notes:

  • The specific functionalities of the operator panel depend on the control system it’s connected to and the software application loaded onto it. Refer to the system’s documentation for a clearer understanding of its role within your application.
  • The Panel 800 series might have multiple operator panel variants with different display sizes, input methods, or communication capabilities. The information you find will depend on the specific version of the 800PP846A panel you’re interested in.


The code 800PP846A identifies an Operator Panel from ABB’s Panel 800 series. This panel functions as a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) within industrial automation systems.

Here’s a breakdown of its functionalities and how to find more details about it:


The 800PP846A operator panel acts as a bridge between a human operator and an industrial control system. It allows operators to:

  • Monitor and visualize system data: This can include sensor readings, process variables, alarm statuses, and other critical information. The visualization might be through text displays, graphical elements, or mimic diagrams representing the actual physical process.
  • Control the system: Operators can initiate commands through buttons, a touchscreen (if applicable), or other input mechanisms. This may involve starting/stopping processes, adjusting setpoints, or manually overriding automated controls.
  • Interact with the system for configuration, troubleshooting, and data logging purposes.

Features (may vary depending on the specific model):

  • LCD display for visual representation of information
  • Keypad or touchscreen for user input
  • Communication capabilities to connect with the control system (specific protocols depend on the model)

Finding Specifications:

Here are ways to acquire detailed specifications for the ABB 800PP846A operator panel:

  • ABB Website:

    • Search the ABB website using the complete code (800PP846A) or browse the Panel 800 product line pages. Look for user manuals, technical specifications, or product catalogs related to the Panel 800 series operator panels. These documents should provide details on:
      • Display size and resolution
      • Input methods (keypad, touchscreen)
      • Communication protocols supported (important for ensuring compatibility with your control system)
      • Compatibility with specific control systems (verify if it works with your existing setup)
      • Programming and configuration tools (if applicable)
      • Installation and maintenance procedures
  • Online Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers:

    • Several online industrial parts suppliers or distributors might stock the ABB 800PP846A operator panel or its equivalent. These websites often list product specifications alongside the components. Search for the code or similar operator panels from ABB compatible with your control system.
  • Authorized ABB Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized ABB distributors or service providers can be a valuable source of information. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can identify the specific revision of the 800PP846A panel and provide detailed specifications. They can also advise on potential replacements if the 800PP846A is no longer readily available.

Additional Notes:

  • The specific functionalities of the operator panel depend on the control system it’s connected to and the software application loaded onto it. Refer to the system’s documentation for a clearer understanding of its role within your application.
  • The Panel 800 series might have multiple operator panel variants with different display sizes, input methods, or communication capabilities. The information you find will depend on the specific version of the 800PP846A panel you’re interested in.