A-B 150-C108NBD

  1. Cross-referencing: If you can’t find specific details about the 150-C108NBD, try searching for similar A-B motor controller models with a “C” prefix and a comparable horsepower rating (e.g., 150-C100NBD or 150-C150NBD). The specifications of these models might be helpful in understanding the features and parameters of the 150-C108NBD.

Remember, the information above is based on educated assumptions about the model number breakdown. It’s always best to consult Rockwell Automation or their authorized distributors for the most accurate and up-to-date product details.



The A-B 150-C108NBD appears to be a motor controller manufactured by Rockwell Automation (A-B). Here’s what I can find for you based on the model number breakdown and available online resources:

Product Identification:

  • A-B: Likely refers to Rockwell Automation (Allen-Bradley).
  • 150: This could be a series or model code specific to a motor controller family.
  • C: This might denote a specific controller type within the family (possibly indicating a contactor-based design compared to the solid-state design in the 150-B24NBD).
  • 108: This could represent the horsepower rating or full-load current capacity of the controller.
  • NBD: This likely indic
  • ates an open enclosure type and NEMA size (NEMA Non-metallic enclosure) designed for surface mounting with screw studs or bolts.

Finding More Information:

Unfortunately, there isn’t a dedicated product page for the 150-C108NBD readily available on the Rockwell Automation website. Here’s how you can obtain more information:

  1. Cross-referencing: If you can’t find specific details about the 150-C108NBD, try searching for similar A-B motor controller models with a “C” prefix and a comparable horsepower rating (e.g., 150-C100NBD or 150-C150NBD). The specifications of these models might be helpful in understanding the features and parameters of the 150-C108NBD.

Remember, the information above is based on educated assumptions about the model number breakdown. It’s always best to consult Rockwell Automation or their authorized distributors for the most accurate and up-to-date product details.