Important Note: Due to limitations in accessing the internet, I cannot confirm these details or provide specific information about functionalities, parameters, or specifications for the exact variant of the Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA servo motor.

Here are some suggestions for finding more information about this specific servo motor:

  • Search engines (limited use): While I cannot access the internet, you can try using DuckDuckGo or Startpage to search for “Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA datasheet” or “Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA servo motor manual” with the understanding that information available online might be limited due to the specific product code.


The code A-B MPL-B540D-MJ24AA likely refers to a low-inertia brushless servo motor manufactured by Allen-Bradley (A-B). Here’s a breakdown of the information I can provide based on my knowledge and information available offline:

Product Name: Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA Servo Motor (likely)

Product Description:


  • This is a brushless servo motor, a type of electric motor that provides precise positioning and speed control. It’s ideal for applications requiring high performance and accurate control of motion, such as robotics, machine tools, and material handling systems.
  • The “low-inertia” designation indicates the motor has a low rotating mass, allowing for rapid acceleration and deceleration.

Possible Parameters:

  • Voltage rating: Likely rated for a specific voltage range (e.g., 200VAC or 480VAC) based on the product information you mentioned encountering the code with (e.g., supplier websites).
  • Power rating: The motor’s output power in watts or horsepower.
  • Speed rating: The maximum rotational speed of the motor in revolutions per minute (RPM).
  • Torque rating: The amount of twisting force the motor can generate.
  • Shaft diameter: The diameter of the output shaft.

Possible Specifications:

  • Encoder type: The type of sensor (e.g., single-turn or multi-turn encoder) that provides feedback on the motor’s position.
  • Brake: May include a built-in brake to hold the motor shaft stationary when not in use.
  • Connector type: The type of electrical connector used for power and control signals.
  • Cooling method: How the motor is cooled (e.g., air-cooled or liquid-cooled).

Important Note: Due to limitations in accessing the internet, I cannot confirm these details or provide specific information about functionalities, parameters, or specifications for the exact variant of the Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA servo motor.

Here are some suggestions for finding more information about this specific servo motor:

  • Search engines (limited use): While I cannot access the internet, you can try using DuckDuckGo or Startpage to search for “Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA datasheet” or “Allen-Bradley MPL-B540D-MJ24AA servo motor manual” with the understanding that information available online might be limited due to the specific product code.