ABB PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1

  • Search Online: Look for “ABB PFTL101A user manual” or “ABB PFTL101A datasheet” online. You might find PDFs or references on automation parts supplier websites or engineering forums [1, 2]. However, the information might be less reliable or outdated compared to what ABB can provide.
  • Contact ABB Support: Reach out to ABB customer support for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the PFTL101A, including:
    • User manuals and datasheets
    • Compatibility information for process control systems
    • Replacement or recommended successor models (if applicable)

Additional Considerations:

  • Calibration: Pressure transmitters like the PFTL101A may require periodic calibration to ensure measurement accuracy. Refer to the user manual or contact ABB for calibration recommendations.
  • Replacement: If the PFTL101A is a discontinued model, ABB might recommend a suitable replacement with similar specifications and functionalities.

If you’re working with an ABB PFTL101A pressure transmitter, consulting the user manual or contacting ABB support is highly recommended. They can provide the most accurate information for its specifications, operation, and ensure compatibility with your process control system.



The ABB PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1 is a pressure transmitter manufactured by ABB for use in industrial applications [1, 2]. Based on the information available, here’s a breakdown of its likely features:


  • Measures pressure in a process [1, 2].
  • Converts the measured pressure into a proportional electrical signal (usually 4-20mA or 0-10V) that can be understood by a process control system [1, 2].

Specifications (uncertain without user manual):

  • Pressure Rating: 1.0KN (likely the maximum pressure the transmitter can withstand) [1, 2].
  • Output Signal: Likely 4-20mA or 0-10V based on industry standards for pressure transmitters [1, 2].
  • Accuracy: Unknown without the user manual, but industrial pressure transmitters typically offer high accuracy (within 0.5% of full scale).
  • Process Connection: The specific type of connection (e.g., flange, NPT) for mounting the transmitter to a pipe or vessel is uncertain without further information [1, 2].


  • Industrial process control systems in various industries where pressure monitoring is crucial, such as:
    • Oil & Gas Processing
    • Chemical Processing
    • Power Generation
    • Water Treatment
    • Food & Beverage Manufacturing [1, 2]

Finding More Information:

Obtaining detailed specifications and manuals for industrial parts can sometimes be challenging, especially for older models. Here are some ways to learn more about the ABB PFTL101A 1.0KN 3BSE004166R1 pressure transmitter:

  • Search Online: Look for “ABB PFTL101A user manual” or “ABB PFTL101A datasheet” online. You might find PDFs or references on automation parts supplier websites or engineering forums [1, 2]. However, the information might be less reliable or outdated compared to what ABB can provide.
  • Contact ABB Support: Reach out to ABB customer support for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the PFTL101A, including:
    • User manuals and datasheets
    • Compatibility information for process control systems
    • Replacement or recommended successor models (if applicable)

Additional Considerations:

  • Calibration: Pressure transmitters like the PFTL101A may require periodic calibration to ensure measurement accuracy. Refer to the user manual or contact ABB for calibration recommendations.
  • Replacement: If the PFTL101A is a discontinued model, ABB might recommend a suitable replacement with similar specifications and functionalities.

If you’re working with an ABB PFTL101A pressure transmitter, consulting the user manual or contacting ABB support is highly recommended. They can provide the most accurate information for its specifications, operation, and ensure compatibility with your process control system.