ABB PM511V16

  • System Compatibility: If you’re looking for a replacement for an existing Advant Controller 450 system, ensure the new processor module is compatible with the rest of the system architecture.
  • Technical Support: Newer models likely have better support resources and readily available updates from ABB compared to a legacy product like the PM511V16.

Do you have any specific questions about using the ABB PM511V16 in an existing Advant Controller 450 system, or are you looking for information on compatible replacements for a new project? I can help you with:

  • Finding information about the PM511V16: I can help you search for datasheets or user manuals from distributors or third-party sources, though these might be limited for legacy products.
  • Contacting ABB Support: They can recommend compatible replacements with improved features and readily available documentation for current ABB processor modules.


The ABB PM511V16, based on our previous discussion and information found online, appears to be a processor module used within ABB’s Advant Controller 450 system. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

  • Function (Processor Module):

    • The PM511V16 is the central processing unit (CPU) of the Ad
    • vant Controller 450 system. It processes control logic, executes programs, and communicates with other modules within the system.
  • Applications (Within Advant Controller 450 System):

    • The Advant Controller 450 system, likely an industrial automation or control system, would have been used for various applications requiring:
      • Process control in manufacturing plants (chemical processing, food and beverage).
      • Building automation and HVAC control systems.
      • Data acquisition and monitoring systems.
      • Other industrial tasks requiring a programmable controller.
  • Availability (Likely Discontinued):

    • The PM511V16 is likely a legacy product since it’s specifically mentioned for the Advant Controller 450 system. While ABB’s website might not actively promote it , you might find some through:
      • Authorized ABB distributors (check for new or used units).
      • Online marketplaces (verify seller reputation before purchase).

Alternatives and Considerations:

  • ABB likely offers newer processor modules compatible with current industrial automation systems. These newer modules would likely have: * Improved processing power and memory capacity. * Support for newer communication protocols and features. * Better availability of technical documentation and support.
  • Explore ABB’s website  or authorized distributors to find current processor module options for your industrial automation needs. Search using keywords like “processor module” or browse their product categories for industrial automation controllers.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • System Compatibility: If you’re looking for a replacement for an existing Advant Controller 450 system, ensure the new processor module is compatible with the rest of the system architecture.
  • Technical Support: Newer models likely have better support resources and readily available updates from ABB compared to a legacy product like the PM511V16.

Do you have any specific questions about using the ABB PM511V16 in an existing Advant Controller 450 system, or are you looking for information on compatible replacements for a new project? I can help you with:

  • Finding information about the PM511V16: I can help you search for datasheets or user manuals from distributors or third-party sources, though these might be limited for legacy products.
  • Contacting ABB Support: They can recommend compatible replacements with improved features and readily available documentation for current ABB processor modules.