ABB PPD113B01-10-150000

Unfortunately, definitive details about the ABB PPD113B01-10-150000 are scarce online. Here are some suggestions for acquiring more information:

  1. Contact ABB Support: Reaching out to ABB’s technical support is the most reliable approach. They might have access to internal documentation or knowledge about this specific module, even if it’s an older product.

  2. Search for Alternative Resources: Look for resources related to similar converter modules from ABB or other industrial automation manufacturers. Examining functionalities of modules with similar naming conventions or part numbers might provide clues.

  3. Review System Documentation: If you have access to user manuals or technical documentation for the specific ABB system where this module is used, it might mention the PPD113B01-10-150000 and its role within the system.



Based on the information I found, ABB PPD113B01-10-150000 is likely a converter module used within ABB’s industrial automation systems. Here’s a breakdown of the details gleaned from various sources:

Function (educated guess):


  • The “PPD” in the code could potentially stand for “Process Power Device,” suggesting a module involved in power conversion for process control applications.
  • The “113B01” might be a specific product code within the PPD family.
  • “10-150000” is less clear, but it could indicate input/output voltage ranges or power ratings.

Possible Applications:

  • Converting AC (Alternating Current) power to DC (Direct Current) power for powering various electronic devices within a control system.
  • Isolating or conditioning power signals for specific equipment within the system.
  • Stepping up or down voltage levels to match the requirements of different components.

Finding More Information:

Unfortunately, definitive details about the ABB PPD113B01-10-150000 are scarce online. Here are some suggestions for acquiring more information:

  1. Contact ABB Support: Reaching out to ABB’s technical support is the most reliable approach. They might have access to internal documentation or knowledge about this specific module, even if it’s an older product.

  2. Search for Alternative Resources: Look for resources related to similar converter modules from ABB or other industrial automation manufacturers. Examining functionalities of modules with similar naming conventions or part numbers might provide clues.

  3. Review System Documentation: If you have access to user manuals or technical documentation for the specific ABB system where this module is used, it might mention the PPD113B01-10-150000 and its role within the system.

  4. Online Communities: Industrial automation forums or communities might have discussions or posts from users who have encountered the PPD113B01-10-150000. Their experiences or insights could provide clues about its function.

Important Note:

The information provided here is based on limited data and might not be entirely accurate. It’s crucial to exercise caution when using the PPD113B01-10-150000 without a clear understanding of its functionality and compatibility within your specific system. Consulting ABB or using the part within a documented system configuration is highly recommended.