• Sensor Selection: The TTH300 works with compatible RTD temperature sensors. Selecting the appropriate sensor for your application’s temperature range and accuracy requirements is crucial.
  • System Integration: The TTH300 temperature transmitter integrates with industrial automation systems for process control. The 4-20 mA output signal needs to be connected to a compatible data acquisition system or controller.
  • Safety Considerations: In industrial process control applications, ensuring accurate temperature measurement is vital for safety. Follow ABB’s recommendations for installation, operation, and maintenance of the TTH300.

If you’re working with an ABB TTH300 temperature transmitter, consulting the user manual or contacting ABB support is highly recommended. They can provide the most accurate details about configuration, sensor compatibility, and ensure safe and reliable operation within your industrial process control system.



The ABB TTH300 is a Head-Mount Temperature Transmitter manufactured by ABB [1, 2, 3]. It’s designed for industrial applications where reliable and accurate temperature measurement is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of its functionalities and key features:


  • Measures temperature using a connected resistance thermometer (RTD) sensor like Pt100 [1, 2, 3].
  • Converts the sensor’s resistance signal into a standard 4-20 mA DC current output proportional to the measured temperature [1, 2, 3]. This 4-20 mA signal is widely used for transmitting process data in industrial automation systems.
  • Provides a compact and easy-to-mount solution for temperature measurement in various industrial environments [1, 2, 3].

Features (based on available information):


  • Wide Temperature Range: The TTH300 likely supports a wide temperature range for various industrial applications (specific range depends on the model variant) [1, 2, 3]. Refer to the user manual for details.
  • Two-Wire Technology: Uses a two-wire connection for both power supply and signal transmission, simplifying wiring and installation [1, 2, 3].
  • Rugged Construction: The TTH300 is likely built with durable materials to withstand harsh industrial environments like extreme temperatures, dust, and vibrations [1, 2, 3].
  • Configuration (uncertain): The transmitter might offer configuration options for setting the temperature range, output scaling, and other parameters. Refer to the user manual for details.
  • HART Communication (possible): Some TTH300 models might support the HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol for remote communication and diagnostics using compatible tools [1, 2, 3]. User manual confirmation is needed.


  • Industrial process control and monitoring across various industries:
    • Chemical processing plants
    • Power generation and distribution
    • Oil & Gas refineries
    • Manufacturing facilities [1, 2, 3]
  • Food & Beverage production

Finding More Information:

For detailed specifications, configuration instructions, and safety information, consulting the user manual or datasheet is crucial. Here are ways to learn more about the ABB TTH300 temperature transmitter:

  • ABB Website: Search for “ABB TTH300” on the ABB website. They might offer product information, downloads, and manuals [1].
  • Online Resources: Look for “ABB TTH300 user manual” or “ABB TTH300 datasheet” online. You might find PDFs or references on automation parts supplier websites or engineering forums, but the information might be less reliable or outdated compared to ABB’s official documentation [2, 3].
  • Contact ABB Support: Reach out to ABB customer support for the Measurement Products business unit. They can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on the TTH300, including:
    • User manuals and datasheets
    • Compatibility information for specific RTD sensor models
    • Calibration and maintenance procedures

Additional Considerations:

  • Sensor Selection: The TTH300 works with compatible RTD temperature sensors. Selecting the appropriate sensor for your application’s temperature range and accuracy requirements is crucial.
  • System Integration: The TTH300 temperature transmitter integrates with industrial automation systems for process control. The 4-20 mA output signal needs to be connected to a compatible data acquisition system or controller.
  • Safety Considerations: In industrial process control applications, ensuring accurate temperature measurement is vital for safety. Follow ABB’s recommendations for installation, operation, and maintenance of the TTH300.

If you’re working with an ABB TTH300 temperature transmitter, consulting the user manual or contacting ABB support is highly recommended. They can provide the most accurate details about configuration, sensor compatibility, and ensure safe and reliable operation within your industrial process control system.