ABB 3AUA0000036521

  • If you have the source where you encountered this information, check if there was an error or if there’s additional context provided about the second code.
  • Try searching online using the code (3AUA0000040000) along with keywords like “ABB,” “digital control unit,” or “industrial automation.” You might find some information if it’s a valid but less common code.
  • If the context involves multiple ABB components, look for patterns or differentiating factors in the codes that might help distinguish between them. For instance, the first and third digits (3AU) might be a common prefix for a specific product family within ABB, while the following digits indicate variations within that family.

If you can provide more context or the complete code for the second component, I can try to assist you further in identifying it.



The information you provided appears to be a combination of two separate ABB codes:

1. ABB 3AUA0000036521

As previously discussed, this code identifies a 12-bit digit

al control unit (RDCU-12C) manufactured by ABB. It’s likely used for controlling various industrial applications involving motors, pumps, or other machinery.

2. ABB 3AUA0000040000 (duplicate)

This code seems to be repeated. Without additional context, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact component it represents. Here are some possibilities:

  • Duplicate Entry: It’s possible the code 3AUA0000040000 was entered twice unintentionally.
  • Missing Information: The code itself might be incomplete. Some ABB codes might have additional suffixes or prefixes that provide more specific details about the component.
  • Incorrect Code: There’s a chance the code was inaccurately recorded.


  • If you have the source where you encountered this information, check if there was an error or if there’s additional context provided about the second code.
  • Try searching online using the code (3AUA0000040000) along with keywords like “ABB,” “digital control unit,” or “industrial automation.” You might find some information if it’s a valid but less common code.
  • If the context involves multiple ABB components, look for patterns or differentiating factors in the codes that might help distinguish between them. For instance, the first and third digits (3AU) might be a common prefix for a specific product family within ABB, while the following digits indicate variations within that family.

If you can provide more context or the complete code for the second component, I can try to assist you further in identifying it.