ABB 5SGY3545L0020

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several suppliers sell this component [supplier 1], [supplier 2], [supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer clues:
    • Look for surrounding text or images associated with the part number that might indicate its function (e.g., listed alongside SCTs or IGCT driver modules).
    • Check specifications offered by the supplier, which might provide hints about voltage or current ratings, suggesting its role as a high-power device.
  • Context is Key: If you have any context about where you encountered this part number (e.g., a parts list for a specific ABB system, a service manual for another ABB product), share those details. It can significantly improve the search for its function.
  • ABB Product Documentation: Search the ABB website for manuals related to ABB product lines (e.g., drives, soft starters, inverters) where these high-power semiconductor devices might be used. Look for terms like “ABB drive user manuals” or “ABB inverter manuals” specifying the product line if known. These manuals might reference compatible components and their functionalities.


Based on my previous findings and new information searches, the ABB 5SGY3545L0020 appears to be a high-power semiconductor device used within ABB’s industrial automation systems. Here’s a breakdown of what we know so far:

  • Function: There are two strong possibilities based on similar ABB components and part number structure:
    • Silicon Controlled Thyristor (SCT): Similar to the previously discussed ABB 5SGY3545L0003, it could function as a high-power electronic switch for controlling large AC currents in industrial applications.
    • Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) Driver: Less likely based on the absence of “driver” in the part number, but still a possibility. It could be responsible for controlling high-power IGCTs used in ABB systems.


  • Limited Public Information: Datasheets or specific information about the 5SGY3545L0020 are difficult to find online.

Finding More Information:

Here are some strategies to refine your search and potentially determine the exact function of the 5SGY3545L0020:

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several suppliers sell this component [supplier 1], [supplier 2], [supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer clues:
    • Look for surrounding text or images associated with the part number that might indicate its function (e.g., listed alongside SCTs or IGCT driver modules).
    • Check specifications offered by the supplier, which might provide hints about voltage or current ratings, suggesting its role as a high-power device.
  • Context is Key: If you have any context about where you encountered this part number (e.g., a parts list for a specific ABB system, a service manual for another ABB product), share those details. It can significantly improve the search for its function.
  • ABB Product Documentation: Search the ABB website for manuals related to ABB product lines (e.g., drives, soft starters, inverters) where these high-power semiconductor devices might be used. Look for terms like “ABB drive user manuals” or “ABB inverter manuals” specifying the product line if known. These manuals might reference compatible components and their functionalities.
  • Contact ABB Support: Given the limited publicly available information, contacting ABB support directly might be the most effective way to determine the specific function of the 5SGY3545L0020, especially if it’s an older part. They might have internal resources or part databases to identify its purpose.


While the exact function (SCT vs. IGCT driver) cannot be definitively confirmed without more context or an official datasheet, the information suggests the ABB 5SGY3545L0020 is a high-power semiconductor device used for controlling large AC currents in ABB’s industrial automation systems. By using the suggested search strategies and leveraging any contextual information you have, you should be able to increase the chances of definitively identifying its specific function.