ABB 5SHX10H6004

A specific datasheet for the 5SHX10H6004 might be available, here are some resources to learn more about it:

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several suppliers sell this IGCT [supplier 1], [supplier 2], [supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer downloadable datasheets with detailed specifications, application examples, and diagrams.
  • ABB Semiconductor Datasheets: Search the ABB website specifically for their semiconductor product portfolio. Look for terms like “ABB semiconductors datasheet download” or “ABB IGCT product information”. You might find the datasheet for the 5SHX10H6004 or similar IGCT models with comparable functionalities.

If you cannot locate a datasheet, the information from suppliers’ websites and a general understanding of IGCTs should provide a good starting point. However, contacting ABB support directly might be the most effective way to obtain the latest specifications and application details, especially for an older component like the 5SHX10H6004



The ABB 5SHX10H6004 is a reverse conducting integrated gate commutated thyristor (IGCT) used in high-power industrial applications. Here’s a breakdown of its key characteristics and potential uses:


  • An IGCT is a type of power semiconductor device that functions like a high-power electronic switch.
  • The 5SHX10H6004 can handle large currents (up to 900 Amps) and high voltages (up to 5500 Volts) to control the flow of electric power in applications like variable frequency drives (VFDs) or high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems.
  • It operates using gate signals to turn on and off, allowing for precise control of the power flow.


  • High power handling: Can handle significant currents and voltages for demanding industrial applications.
  • Fast switching: Offers fast turn-on and turn-off times for efficient power control.
  • Direct fiber optic control: May utilize fiber optic cables for gate signal transmission, providing electrical isolation and immunity to electromagnetic interference.
  • High cosmic radiation withstand: Can operate in environments with potential exposure to cosmic radiation (relevant for some high-altitude applications).


The ABB 5SHX10H6004 is likely used in various industrial settings requiring high-power switching and control, such as:

  • Variable frequency drives (VFDs): Controlling the speed and torque of AC motors in applications like pumps, fans, and industrial machinery.
  • High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems: Enabling efficient transmission of electrical power over long distances with minimal energy losses.
  • Large industrial power supplies: Providing regulated power for various industrial processes like electrolysis or metal smelting.

Finding More Information:

A specific datasheet for the 5SHX10H6004 might be available, here are some resources to learn more about it:

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several suppliers sell this IGCT [supplier 1], [supplier 2], [supplier 3] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the part number should lead you to product pages). These pages might offer downloadable datasheets with detailed specifications, application examples, and diagrams.
  • ABB Semiconductor Datasheets: Search the ABB website specifically for their semiconductor product portfolio. Look for terms like “ABB semiconductors datasheet download” or “ABB IGCT product information”. You might find the datasheet for the 5SHX10H6004 or similar IGCT models with comparable functionalities.

If you cannot locate a datasheet, the information from suppliers’ websites and a general understanding of IGCTs should provide a good starting point. However, contacting ABB support directly might be the most effective way to obtain the latest specifications and application details, especially for an older component like the 5SHX10H6004.