ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 combination

    • The first part (3BHB) likely refers to the coil series or family.
    • 018162 might indicate specific features or ratings of the coil like voltage, operating frequency, or connection type.
    • R0001 could be a specific code within the series denoting additional details like mounting options or accessories.

Due to the limited information available online and the specific combination of codes, it is difficult to determine the exact product names, descriptions, and parameters.



ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 Product Information

Based on the information available online, it appears that ABB 5SHY4045L0001 3BHB018162R0001 is a specific combination of two separate ABB products:

  • 5SHY4045L0001: This code likely represents an ABB contactor.
  • 3BHB018162R0001: This code likely represents an ABB contactor coil.

Here’s a breakdown of what we can potentially understand:

  • 5SHY4045L0001:

    • The first part (5SHY) likely refers to the contactor series or family.
    • 4045 might indicate specific features or ratings of the contactor like voltage, current capacity, or number of poles.
    • L0001 could be a specific code within the series denoting additional details like coil voltage or terminal configuration.
  • 3BHB018162R0001:

    • The first part (3BHB) likely refers to the coil series or family.
    • 018162 might indicate specific features or ratings of the coil like voltage, operating frequency, or connection type.
    • R0001 could be a specific code within the series denoting additional details like mounting options or accessories.

Due to the limited information available online and the specific combination of codes, it is difficult to determine the exact product names, descriptions, and parameters.