• High Accuracy: Provides accurate measurements to Class 0.5 or 1.0 IEC 61557-12 standards.

  • Data Logging and Reporting: Records and stores measured data for analysis and reporting.

  • Communication Interfaces: Offers various communication interfaces (RS485, Modbus, Ethernet) for data transfer to SCADA or control systems.

  • Multi-Tariff Metering: Supports multiple tariff structures for billing and cost allocation.

  • Display: Provides a local LCD display for real-time parameter monitoring.



The ABB MP665 is a 3-phase multifunction power meter designed for industrial and commercial applications. It measures and records various electrical parameters to provide insights into energy consumption, power quality, and system performance. Here’s a summary of its key features and applications:

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Measurement Capabilities: Measures a wide range of electrical parameters, including:

    • Active, reactive, and apparent power
    • Power factor
    • Voltage and current (RMS and peak values)
    • Energy consumption (kWh, kvarh, kvah)
    • Harmonics
    • Power quality disturbances
  • High Accuracy: Provides accurate measurements to Class 0.5 or 1.0 IEC 61557-12 standards.

  • Data Logging and Reporting: Records and stores measured data for analysis and reporting.

  • Communication Interfaces: Offers various communication interfaces (RS485, Modbus, Ethernet) for data transfer to SCADA or control systems.

  • Multi-Tariff Metering: Supports multiple tariff structures for billing and cost allocation.

  • Display: Provides a local LCD display for real-time parameter monitoring.


  • Energy Management: Helps monitor and optimize energy consumption in industrial and commercial facilities.
  • Power Quality Analysis: Identifies and quantifies power quality disturbances to improve system efficiency and equipment lifespan.
  • Demand Side Management: Enables demand response programs to reduce peak energy consumption and costs.
  • Cost Allocation: Facilitates accurate billing and cost allocation based on energy usage.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Provides insights into potential electrical system issues for proactive maintenance.

Additional Notes:

  • The specific features and capabilities of the ABB MP665 may vary depending on the model and configuration.
  • For detailed information on the MP665, including datasheets, manuals, and user guides, refer to the ABB website or contact your local ABB representative.