• Modern Alternatives: Several manufacturers offer modern low-force load cells with potentially improved specifications, wider availability, and better long-term support. Look for options with a 0.5kN capacity and consider factors like accuracy, output signal type, ease of integration with your control system, and dimensions to ensure compatibility with your application.

If you require a new low-force load cell for an industrial automation project, exploring modern alternatives might be a better option due to potential limitations in availability and support for the ABB PFTL101A 0.5kN. However, if you need a replacement for an existing system using the PFTL 101A 0.5kN, the resources mentioned above can help you find compatible parts.



The ABB PFTL101A 0.5kN is a low-force load cell designed for precise measurement of forces up to 0.5kN (kilonewtons), which is approximately 112 pounds-force (lbf) in industrial automation applications. Here’s a breakdown of its potential functionalities and specifications:


  • The primary function of this load cell is to convert an applied force within its capacity into a measurable electrical signal. This signal can then be used by a control system to monitor or regulate force in various processes.

Specifications (based on available information):

  • Capacity: 0.5kN (approximately 112 lbf)
  • Output: Likely provides an analog voltage output signal corresponding to the applied force. The specific voltage range and sensitivity will depend on the model variant, but a datasheet would provide this information.
  • Accuracy: Information on accuracy might be limited, but industrial load cells typically offer high accuracy within their specified range. You might find this in a datasheet for the PFTL 101A series.
  • Material: The body is likely constructed from a durable metal like stainless steel to withstand industrial environments and mechanical stress.
  • Dimensions: Specific dimensions are difficult to find without a datasheet, but ABB offers various load cell designs, and the PFTL 101A series is likely a compact design suitable for tight spaces in industrial automation setups.


Due to its low-force measurement capability, the ABB PFTL101A 0.5kN can be used in various industrial automation applications requiring high precision, such as:

  • Assembly line monitoring: Measuring the precise force applied during delicate assembly processes to ensure proper component fit and avoid damage to parts.
  • Robotics applications: Measuring gripper force or tool interaction forces with fragile objects.
  • Material handling: Monitoring tension or weight in low-force material handling processes like winding delicate wires or feeding small components.
  • Force control systems: Providing feedback for control systems requiring very precise force regulation in tasks like pressing or clamping small parts.

Finding Information:

While ABB might not actively promote the PFTL 101A series anymore, here are some resources to learn more:

  • ABB Website: Search for “PFTL101A 0.5KN” or the product code (if available) on the ABB website You might find resources or links to archived product information.
  • Technical Documentation Websites: Websites specializing in technical documentation archives might have user manuals or datasheets for the PFTL 101A 0.5kN uploaded by users, but be cautious about the information’s accuracy and source
  • Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers: Look for websites of industrial automation parts suppliers who might stock the PFTL 101A 0.5kN or similar low-force load cells from ABB or other manufacturers. They might have datasheets or specifications available.

Alternatives and Considerations:

  • Availability: Finding new units of the PFTL 101A 0.5kN might be limited depending on its production status. Consider contacting ABB directly to inquire about availability or potential replacements.
  • Modern Alternatives: Several manufacturers offer modern low-force load cells with potentially improved specifications, wider availability, and better long-term support. Look for options with a 0.5kN capacity and consider factors like accuracy, output signal type, ease of integration with your control system, and dimensions to ensure compatibility with your application.

If you require a new low-force load cell for an industrial automation project, exploring modern alternatives might be a better option due to potential limitations in availability and support for the ABB PFTL101A 0.5kN. However, if you need a replacement for an existing system using the PFTL 101A 0.5kN, the resources mentioned above can help you find compatible parts.