ABB PP877 3BSE069272R2

  • Authorized ABB Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized ABB distributors or service providers can be the most reliable source of information. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can confirm compatibility between the PP877 digitizer and your specific HMI model. They can also advise on the replacement process or provide referrals to qualified technicians.

Safety Precautions:

Replacing the touch screen digitizer might involve disassembling the HMI panel, which can expose electrical components. Consult the user manuals for proper safety instructions and procedures. Consider seeking help from a qualified technician if you’re unsure about the replacement process.



The code ABB PP877 3BSE069272R2 identifies a Touch Screen Panel from ABB’s Panel 800 series, specifically the PP877 model variant. This panel functions as a replacement Touch Screen Digitizer for an ABB control system.

Here’s a breakdown of its function and how to find more details about it:



The ABB PP877 3BSE069272R2 touch screen digitizer is a replacement part for the touchscreen functionality of a specific ABB Panel 800 HMI (Human-Machine Interface). It detects touch input on the display, translating it into signals the control system can understand.

Important Note:

The PP877 3BSE069272R2 itself is not a complete HMI panel. It’s a replacement component for an existing touch screen within a larger ABB Panel 800 HMI system.

Finding Specifications:

Obtaining detailed specifications for the PP877 3BSE069272R2 touch screen digitizer can be achieved through several methods:

  • Identify the Complete HMI Model: While the PP877 code indicates the digitizer variant, finding the complete HMI model it replaces is crucial. This information might be:

    • Etched on a label on the back of the existing HMI panel.
    • Found within the user manuals or technical documentation of the control system the HMI is part of.
  • ABB Website:

    • Once you have the complete HMI model number (e.g., PP860, PP845 etc. along with the PP877 digitizer code), search the ABB website using the complete model code. Look for user manuals, technical specifications, or product catalogs related to the specific HMI model. These documents should provide details on:
      • Compatibility of the PP877 digitizer with the specific HMI model (ensure it’s the correct replacement part).
      • Information about the touchscreen technology (resistive, capacitive, etc.)
      • Instructions for replacing the touch screen digitizer (consult a qualified technician for this process).
  • Online Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers:

    • Several online industrial parts suppliers or distributors might stock the ABB PP877 3BSE069272R2 digitizer or its equivalent. These websites often list product specifications alongside the components. Search for the code or similar touch screen digitizers from ABB compatible with your specific HMI model (refer to the first point).
  • Authorized ABB Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized ABB distributors or service providers can be the most reliable source of information. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can confirm compatibility between the PP877 digitizer and your specific HMI model. They can also advise on the replacement process or provide referrals to qualified technicians.

Safety Precautions:

Replacing the touch screen digitizer might involve disassembling the HMI panel, which can expose electrical components. Consult the user manuals for proper safety instructions and procedures. Consider seeking help from a qualified technician if you’re unsure about the replacement process.