I cannot directly access product information from the web, but here are some ways to find details about the Bently 149986-01:
Search Engine: Use the exact model number “Bently 149986-01” in a search engine. This might lead you to a product page, datasheet, or distributor information that includes the product name, description, parameters, and specifications.
Bently Website: Bently Nevada is now part of Baker Hughes the product information listed or be able to provide you with a datasheet.
I cannot directly access product information from the web, but here are some ways to find details about the Bently 149986-01:
Search Engine: Use the exact model number “Bently 149986-01” in a search engine. This might lead you to a product page, datasheet, or distributor information that includes the product name, description, parameters, and specifications.
Bently Website: Bently Nevada is now part of Baker Hughes the product information listed or be able to provide you with a datasheet.