BENTLY 3500/20

Detailed specifications can be found in the user manuals or datasheets downloadable from the Bently Nevada website or authorized distributors:

  • Bently Nevada Website: Search for the model number “Bently Nevada 3500/20” under “Product Literature” or “Downloads” on the Bently Nevada websiteWhile the specific product page might not be readily available, the user manuals for the 3500 system should cover the RIM.

  • User Manuals/Datasheets: Look for documents related to the Bently Nevada 3500 system or the 3500/20 RIM specifically. These documents will contain detailed specifications like:

    • Supported Communication Protocol: The specific protocol used for communication between the RIM and monitoring modules.
    • Data Transfer Rate: The speed at which the RIM can transmit data between the modules and the central processing unit.
    • Number of Supported Modules: The number of monitoring modules that can be connected to a single RIM (if applicable).


he BENTLY 3500/20 is a Rack Interface Module (RIM) designed for the Bently Nevada 3500 Machinery Protection System. Here’s a breakdown of the information I found based on publicly available resources:

Product Name: Bently Nevada 3500/20 Rack Interface Module (RIM)

Product Description: The primary function of the 3500/20 RIM is to act as a communication bridge between the 3500 system rack and various monitoring modules. It facilitates data exchange between the modules and the central processing unit within the rack, enabling the system to collect and analyze machine vibration data for condition monitoring and protection applications.

**Product Parameters (Based on Public Resources):


  • Communication Interface:
    • Rack Side: Connects to the backplane of a Bently Nevada 3500 system rack.
    • Module Side: Connects to other monitoring modules within the 3500 system using a proprietary protocol.

Product Specifications:

Detailed specifications can be found in the user manuals or datasheets downloadable from the Bently Nevada website or authorized distributors:

  • Bently Nevada Website: Search for the model number “Bently Nevada 3500/20” under “Product Literature” or “Downloads” on the Bently Nevada websiteWhile the specific product page might not be readily available, the user manuals for the 3500 system should cover the RIM.

  • User Manuals/Datasheets: Look for documents related to the Bently Nevada 3500 system or the 3500/20 RIM specifically. These documents will contain detailed specifications like:

    • Supported Communication Protocol: The specific protocol used for communication between the RIM and monitoring modules.
    • Data Transfer Rate: The speed at which the RIM can transmit data between the modules and the central processing unit.
    • Number of Supported Modules: The number of monitoring modules that can be connected to a single RIM (if applicable).
    • Power Requirements: Voltage and current needed for the RIM’s operation.
    • Operating Temperature Range: The acceptable ambient temperature range for safe operation.
    • Dimensions and Weight
    • Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information (e.g., CE, UL)

Additional Notes:

  • Bently Nevada 3500 System: The 3500/20 RIM is an essential component of the Bently Nevada 3500 Machinery Protection System. It enables communication between various sensors and monitoring modules within the rack, allowing the system to monitor machine health and prevent potential failures.
  • Proprietary Communication Protocol: The user manuals will clarify the specific communication protocol used by the 3500/20 RIM, as it’s a proprietary protocol designed by Bently Nevada.

Important Note:

The information above is based on publicly available resources and might not be entirely comprehensive. It’s always recommended to consult the user manuals or datasheets obtained from Bently Nevada for the most accurate details on the BENTLY 3500/20, especially for aspects like:

  • The exact communication protocol used for interfacing with other modules.
  • Configuration steps to set up communication between the RIM and specific monitoring modules within your 3500 system.
  • Compatibility with other Bently Nevada 3500 system components in your application.