EMERSON 5X00226G02

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several online retailers sell parts for Emerson Ovation systems. They might have listings for the 5X00226G02 with some technical specifications like number of channels and supported signal types: ([search online parts suppliers for 5X00226G02]) I cannot share specific links due to privacy concerns, but you can find them with a web search.
  • Emerson Ovation Website: The Emerson website might not have a dedicated page for this specific code, but explore the Ovation system resources for a general understanding of I/O modules:
  • Contact Emerson Directly: This is the most reliable approach. Reach out to Emerson’s customer support and provide the product code (5X00226G02). They can offer the most accurate details on the module’s specifications, compatibility with your Ovation system version, and potentially provide datasheets or manuals.


The EMERSON 5X00226G02 is an Input/Output (I/O) Interface Module used within the Emerson Ovation control system for industrial automation. Here’s a breakdown of its key functions:

  • Function: Connects field devices like sensors and actuators to the Ovation system. These devices provide real-time data on process conditions (temperature, pressure, flow, etc.) and receive control signals from the Ovation processor.
  • Signal Handling: The I/O module translates signals between the field devices (often analog or digital) and the Ovation system (typically digital). This ensures proper communication and control within the automation system.
  • Channel Capacity: Specific details for the 5X00226G02 might be limited publicly, but Emerson Ovation I/O modules typically offer a certain number of channels (often 8, 16, or 32) for connecting multiple devices.

Here are some resources to learn more about the 5X00226G02:

  • Industrial Parts Suppliers: Several online retailers sell parts for Emerson Ovation systems. They might have listings for the 5X00226G02 with some technical specifications like number of channels and supported signal types: ([search online parts suppliers for 5X00226G02]) I cannot share specific links due to privacy concerns, but you can find them with a web search.
  • Emerson Ovation Website: The Emerson website might not have a dedicated page for this specific code, but explore the Ovation system resources for a general understanding of I/O modules:
  • Contact Emerson Directly: This is the most reliable approach. Reach out to Emerson’s customer support and provide the product code (5X00226G02). They can offer the most accurate details on the module’s specifications, compatibility with your Ovation system version, and potentially provide datasheets or manuals.

Here are some additional points to consider:+

  • The “G02” in the code might indicate a specific revision of the module. There could be earlier or later versions with slight variations in functionality or compatibility.
  • It’s crucial to ensure the 5X00226G02 is compatible with your specific Emerson Ovation system configuration before replacing or integrating it.

I hope this information is helpful!