EMERSON A3120/022-000

  • The EMERSON A3120/022-000 is likely suited for small and low channel applications, such as monitoring vibration in:
    • Small steam, gas, and hydro turbines.
    • Compressors, pumps, and fans.
    • Other rotating equipment where early detection of vibration issues is crucial.


  • The EMERSON A3120/022-000 appears to be a current product from Emerson Process Management. You can find information about it on the Emerson website [EMERSON Process Management vibration monitor ON Emerson.com] or through authorized Emerson distributors.


Based on our conversation on May 12, 2!024, and further web searches, the EMERSON A3120/022-000 appears to be a shaft vibration monitor used in industrial applications. Here’s a breakdown of what we know:

Function (Shaft Vibration Monitor):

  • This device monitors the vibration levels of rotating shafts within machinery. Excessive vibration can indicate potential equipment problems such as bearing wear, misalignment, or imbalance. By monitoring vibration, the EMERSON A3120/022-000 can help prevent costly breakdowns and ensure smooth operation of machinery.


  • The EMERSON A3120/022-000 is likely suited for small and low channel applications, such as monitoring vibration in:
    • Small steam, gas, and hydro turbines.
    • Compressors, pumps, and fans.
    • Other rotating equipment where early detection of vibration issues is crucial.


  • The EMERSON A3120/022-000 appears to be a current product from Emerson Process Management. You can find information about it on the Emerson website [EMERSON Process Management vibration monitor ON Emerson.com] or through authorized Emerson distributors.

Additional Considerations:

  • When using the EMERSON A3120/022-000, it’s important to:
    • Install it properly following the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Set appropriate alarm thresholds based on the specific machinery and its operating conditions.
    • Regularly monitor vibration readings and take corrective actions if necessary.

Do you have any specific questions about using the EMERSON A3120/022-000 for a particular application, or are you looking for information on where to purchase one? I can help you search for online resources or suggest ways to contact Emerson for further assistance.