EPRO MMS3110/022-000

Possible Features (based on the model series and general characteristics of servo motors):

  • AC Synchronous Motor: Offers several advantages over brushed DC motors, including:
    • Higher efficiency and reliability due to the absence of brushes.
    • Lower electromagnetic interference (EMI), minimizing interference with other electronic devices.
    • Precise positioning and speed control, well-suited for applications demanding accurate motion control.
  • Digital Control: Likely uses a digital controller for precise actuation and feedback processing.
  • Possible Applications: Based on the characteristics of servo motors, here are some potential applications:
    • Machine tools (rotary tables, tool changers) for precise positioning tasks.
    • Robotics (articulated robots) for controlled movement of robot arms.
    • Material handling systems for accurate positioning in conveyor systems or pick-and-place operations.
    • Printing and packaging machinery for registration and cutting mechanisms.


The EPRO MMS3110/022-000 appears to be a variant of a Digital AC Synchronous Servo Motor designed for industrial automation applications. Here’s a breakdown of the information gleaned from the model number and what I can find online:

Manufacturer: EPRO (formerly part of Emerson Process Management, now part of Emerson Automation Solutions)

Model Series: EPRO MMS3110

Variant Code: 022-000 (specific function might require referring to a datasheet)

Possible Features (based on the model series and general characteristics of servo motors):

  • AC Synchronous Motor: Offers several advantages over brushed DC motors, including:
    • Higher efficiency and reliability due to the absence of brushes.
    • Lower electromagnetic interference (EMI), minimizing interference with other electronic devices.
    • Precise positioning and speed control, well-suited for applications demanding accurate motion control.
  • Digital Control: Likely uses a digital controller for precise actuation and feedback processing.
  • Possible Applications: Based on the characteristics of servo motors, here are some potential applications:
    • Machine tools (rotary tables, tool changers) for precise positioning tasks.
    • Robotics (articulated robots) for controlled movement of robot arms.
    • Material handling systems for accurate positioning in conveyor systems or pick-and-place operations.
    • Printing and packaging machinery for registration and cutting mechanisms.

Finding More Information:

Unfortunately, due to the limited availability of information online about the specific EPRO MMS3110 product line, it’s difficult to determine the exact functionalities and specifications of the 022-000 variant. Here are some suggestions for finding more details:

  • Contact Emerson Automation Solutions: Although EPRO is no longer a separate brand, Emerson Automation Solutions might have archived information on older products. Try contacting their technical support or searching their website for resources related to EPRO legacy products: https://www.emerson.com/en-us/automation/home
  • Industrial Automation Suppliers: Look for websites of industrial automation suppliers who might carry older EPRO products or replacement parts. These suppliers might have datasheets or manuals for the EPRO MMS3110/022-000 available for download.
  • Search for EPRO Catalogs: Try searching online for EPRO product catalogs or brochures that might cover the MMS3110 series.

Additional Notes:

  • The information provided here is based on general characteristics of AC synchronous servo motors and might not be entirely specific to the EPRO MMS3110/022-000 variant.
  • If you have any context about where you encountered this model number (e.g., a specific application or part of a larger system), it might help narrow down the specific functionalities.