epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01

Here are some ways to potentially learn more about the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01:

  • Online Search: Try searching for the part number along with terms like “datasheet” or “specifications”. You might find information from distributors or third-party sources.
  • Contact the Manufacturer (if possible): If you can find contact information for epro, reaching out to them directly might be helpful. However, keep in mind that they might not be an active manufacturer.

Additional Considerations:

  • When selecting a replacement sensor, ensure it has the appropriate measurement range, output type (e.g., voltage, current), and mounting compatibility for your application.
    • Consider consulting a vibration analysis specialist if you need assistance selecting a suitable replacement sensor.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any specific questions about using shaft vibration sensors or selecting a replacement for the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01.



Based on our previous discussions and information gleaned from the web, the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01 appears to be a shaft vibration sensor used in industrial environments. Here’s a breakdown of what we know:

Function (Shaft Vibration Sensor):

  • This device likely monitors the vibration levels of rotating shafts within machinery. Excessive vibration can indicate potential equipment problems such as bearing wear, misalignment, or imbalance. By monitoring vibration, the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01 can help prevent costly breakdowns and ensure smooth operation of machinery.


  • The epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01 is likely suited for small and low channel applications, such as monitoring vibration in:
    • Small steam, gas, and hydro turbines.
    • Compressors, pumps, and fans.
    • Other rotating equipment where early detection of vibration issues is crucial.

Manufacturer Information (Limited):

  • While the specific details about the manufacturer “epro” are limited, the part number suggests it might be a less common brand compared to larger industrial sensor manufacturers.

Availability (Uncertain):

  • Information about the current availability of the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01 is limited. We found some online listings that may or may not be reliable sources.

Alternative Considerations:

  • Several well-known manufacturers offer similar shaft vibration sensors with readily available specifications, datasheets, and support. Consider exploring alternatives from brands like:
    • Emerson
    • SKF
    • Parker
    • Brüel & Kjær Vibro (BKV)

These manufacturers offer a variety of shaft vibration sensors with varying features and functionalities. You can choose a suitable replacement based on your specific application requirements.

Finding More Information:

Here are some ways to potentially learn more about the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01:

  • Online Search: Try searching for the part number along with terms like “datasheet” or “specifications”. You might find information from distributors or third-party sources.
  • Contact the Manufacturer (if possible): If you can find contact information for epro, reaching out to them directly might be helpful. However, keep in mind that they might not be an active manufacturer.

Additional Considerations:

  • When selecting a replacement sensor, ensure it has the appropriate measurement range, output type (e.g., voltage, current), and mounting compatibility for your application.
    • Consider consulting a vibration analysis specialist if you need assistance selecting a suitable replacement sensor.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any specific questions about using shaft vibration sensors or selecting a replacement for the epro MMS3120/022-000 9100-03047-01.