• Emerson Automation Solutions Website: Search for “EPRO shaft displacement monitoring” or “MMS6210” on the Emerson website. They might have archived information or resources related to legacy EPRO products
  • Industrial Automation Suppliers: Look for websites of suppliers who might carry older EPRO products or replacement parts. These suppliers might have datasheets or manuals for the EPRO MMS6210 available for download.
  • Online Technical Document Repositories: Search online repositories like “Automation.com” or “Engineering360” for datasheets or user manuals for the EPRO MMS6210. Availability can’t be guaranteed, but it’s worth trying.

Additional Notes:

  • The information provided here is based on general characteristics of shaft displacement monitors and available information on the EPRO MMS6210. It might not be entirely specific to every variant of this model.
  • If you have the EPRO MMS6210 unit itself or any accompanying documentation, you might find more specific details about its functionalities and compatibility with specific transducer types.


The EPRO MMS6210 is a dual-channel shaft displacement monitor designed for industrial applications that require precise monitoring of the movement or relative position between a shaft and a fixed reference point. Here’s a breakdown of the key information:

Manufacturer: EPRO (formerly part of Emerson Process Management, now part of Emerson Automation Solutions)

Model: EPRO MMS6210

Function: Dual-Channel Shaft Displacement Monitor

Possible Features (based on available information and general characteristics of shaft displacement monitors):

  • Dual Channels: Monitors shaft displacement at two separate locations simultaneously. This allows for:
    • Identifying misalignment between different sections of a shaft.
    • Monitoring thermal growth of the shaft due to temperature changes.
    • Detecting eccentric wear on components mounted on the shaft.
  • Transducer Compatibility (Likely): Likely designed to work with transducers (not included) that convert the minute changes in distance between the shaft and a fixed point into electrical signals. Common transducer types include:
    • Eddy Current Proximity Sensors: Measure very small changes in distance.
    • Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs): Provide high accuracy for displacement measurement.
  • Signal Processing: Performs signal processing functions like filtering and amplification to enhance the relevant displacement data and facilitate identification of potential issues.
  • Standard Outputs: Likely provides standard outputs like 4-20mA current loops for interfacing with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or other control systems. These outputs represent the measured shaft displacement at each channel.
  • Alarm Outputs (Possible): The transmitter might have additional functionalities for generating alarm outputs when shaft displacement exceeds preset thresholds.
  • Communication Interface (の可能性:かのうせい) (Possible, but not confirmed): Could have an interface (e.g., RS232 or RS485) for communication with a host computer or SCADA system for data logging, monitoring, and configuration.


  • Machine Monitoring: Provides continuous monitoring of shaft displacement in critical machinery across various industries, including:
    • Power generation (turbines, generators)
    • Oil and gas (pumps, compressors)
    • Manufacturing (machine tools, robots, printing presses)
    • Paper and pulp mills (machinery)
    • Chemical processing plants (agitators, mixers)
  • Machine Control: The measured displacement data can be used in feedback loops for controlling processes that involve precise shaft positioning, such as positioning systems in robots or automated machines.
  • Predictive Maintenance: By monitoring trends in shaft displacement over time, the EPRO MMS6210 can help identify potential alignment issues, bearing wear, or other mechanical problems before they cause significant issues.

Finding More Information (Due to Potential Product Age):

The EPRO MMS6210 might be an older product as EPRO is no longer a separate brand under Emerson Process Management. Here are some resources that could be helpful, although availability of information can’t be guaranteed:

  • Emerson Automation Solutions Website: Search for “EPRO shaft displacement monitoring” or “MMS6210” on the Emerson website. They might have archived information or resources related to legacy EPRO products
  • Industrial Automation Suppliers: Look for websites of suppliers who might carry older EPRO products or replacement parts. These suppliers might have datasheets or manuals for the EPRO MMS6210 available for download.
  • Online Technical Document Repositories: Search online repositories like “Automation.com” or “Engineering360” for datasheets or user manuals for the EPRO MMS6210. Availability can’t be guaranteed, but it’s worth trying.

Additional Notes:

  • The information provided here is based on general characteristics of shaft displacement monitors and available information on the EPRO MMS6210. It might not be entirely specific to every variant of this model.
  • If you have the EPRO MMS6210 unit itself or any accompanying documentation, you might find more specific details about its functionalities and compatibility with specific transducer types.