Unfortunately, I cannot access datasheets due to limitations. However, here are some ways to find more specific details about the EPRO MMS622:

  • Contact EPRO: The manufacturer, EPRO, might be able to provide you with a datasheet or other technical documentation for the MMS622.
  • Search Online: You can search online using the part number “EPRO MMS622” to find information from distributors or previous buyers who may have shared details about the sensor’s specifications and applications.
  • Look for Alternative Datasheets: If you can’t find specific information on the MMS622, you might be able to find datasheets for similar magnetic position sensors from other manufacturers. These datasheets can provide a general understanding of the operating principles, features, and applications of magnetic position sensors.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions about magnetic position sensors or if you’d like help searching for the EPRO MMS622 datasheet online.



The EPRO MMS622 appears to be a magnetic position sensor based on information available from various industrial parts suppliers and automation forums. Here’s what I can tell you based on this information:


  • The EPRO MMS622 likely uses the principle of magnetoresistance to detect the position of a magnetic object relative to the sensor’s sensing element.
  • As the magnetic object moves closer or further away from the sensor, the sensor’s electrical resistance changes. This change in resistance can be measured and converted into a proportional voltage signal, indicating the position of the object.

Possible Features:

  • Compact Design: Many magnetic position sensors are known for their small size, making them suitable for applications with limited space constraints.
  • Non-contact Measurement: The sensor likely operates without physically contacting the magnetic object, minimizing wear and tear and maintaining precision.
  • Analog Output: The MMS622 potentially provides an analog voltage output signal corresponding to the position of the magnetic object.
  • Versatility: Magnetic position sensors can be used for various linear and rotary position sensing applications.

Applications (Examples):

Given the limited information available, here are some general applications where magnetic position sensors like the EPRO MMS622 might be used:

  • Industrial Automation: For position sensing in robotic arms, machine tools, and other automated machinery.
  • Manufacturing Processes: Monitoring position of conveyor belts, packaging equipment, and other production line components.
  • Automotive Applications: Potentially used in throttle position sensors, steering angle sensors, or other position sensing applications within a vehicle.
  • Security Systems: Monitoring the position of doors, windows, or other security barriers.
  • Medical Equipment: Possible use in position sensing for medical devices like robotic surgery systems or positioning equipment.

Finding More Information:

Unfortunately, I cannot access datasheets due to limitations. However, here are some ways to find more specific details about the EPRO MMS622:

  • Contact EPRO: The manufacturer, EPRO, might be able to provide you with a datasheet or other technical documentation for the MMS622.
  • Search Online: You can search online using the part number “EPRO MMS622” to find information from distributors or previous buyers who may have shared details about the sensor’s specifications and applications.
  • Look for Alternative Datasheets: If you can’t find specific information on the MMS622, you might be able to find datasheets for similar magnetic position sensors from other manufacturers. These datasheets can provide a general understanding of the operating principles, features, and applications of magnetic position sensors.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions about magnetic position sensors or if you’d like help searching for the EPRO MMS622 datasheet online.