EPRO PR6423/002-030-CN CON021

      • Product pages: These could detail functionalities, target applications, and compatibility information for both the sensor and converter.
      • Technical specifications: Look for documents detailing measurement ranges, accuracy, operating temperature range, and other technical characteristics for both components.
      • User manuals: These will provide comprehensive instructions on installation, wiring, configuration, and operation of the sensor and converter. Be sure to check if the manuals available correspond to the specific variant with the “-CN” suffix.
  1. Authorized Emerson Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized Emerson distributors or service providers can be another reliable approach. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can provide detailed specifications based on the model codes, including any information regarding the “-CN” suffix.
  2. Alternative Online Sources (use with caution):

    • Industrial parts supplier websites might list the sensor and converter with specifications if they stock them. However, information accuracy, especially regarding detailed functionalities and the “-CN” suffix, might be limited.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure proper installation and wiring of the sensor and converter according to the manufacturer’s instructions and relevant safety regulations.


The code EPRO PR6423/002-030-CN CON021 identifies an eddy current sensor with a signal converter, likely manufactured by Emerson Automation Solutions (EPRO). Here’s a breakdown of the components and how to find more details about it:


  • EPRO: Emerson Process Management (EPRO) is a brand used by Emerson Automation Solutions for some process control products, including eddy current sensors in this case.

  • PR6423/002-030-CN: This likely represents the specific model code for the eddy current sensor itself.

    • PR6423: Base model identifier for the sensor series.
    • /002-030: Internal code used by Emerson, likely signifying specific variant or configuration details (exact meaning might require referring to Emerson resources).
    • -CN: This suffix might indicate the sensor is manufactured in China or is intended for the Chinese market.
  • CON021: This likely refers to the model code for the signal converter that accompanies the sensor. It processes the sensor’s weak signal and converts it into a usable output format for connection to control systems.


The EPRO PR6423/002-030-CN eddy current sensor, in conjunction with the CON021 signal converter, functions as a non-contact measurement system for critical machinery applications. Here’s the process breakdown:

  1. Sensor (PR6423/002-030-CN):

    • Generates an eddy current within a conductive target (e.g., shaft) using an electromagnetic field.
    • Senses characteristics of the eddy current, influenced by factors like the target’s position, eccentricity, or speed.
    • Provides a weak electrical signal based on the eddy current.
  2. Signal Converter (CON021):

    • Takes the weak signal from the sensor.
    • Processes and amplifies the signal.
    • Converts the signal into a usable format (voltage or current) for connection to control systems.


This sensor-converter combo is suitable for various industrial applications involving rotating machinery, such as:

  • Steam, gas, and hydro turbines
  • Compressors
  • Gearboxes
  • Pumps
  • Fans

Finding Specifications and User Manual:

Obtaining detailed specifications and user manuals for the EPRO PR6423/002-030-CN sensor and CON021 converter can be achieved through several methods:

  1. Emerson Automation Solutions Website:

    • Search the Emerson website using the complete model codes (“PR6423/002-030-CN” and “CON021”). You might find resources like:
      • Product pages: These could detail functionalities, target applications, and compatibility information for both the sensor and converter.
      • Technical specifications: Look for documents detailing measurement ranges, accuracy, operating temperature range, and other technical characteristics for both components.
      • User manuals: These will provide comprehensive instructions on installation, wiring, configuration, and operation of the sensor and converter. Be sure to check if the manuals available correspond to the specific variant with the “-CN” suffix.
  2. Authorized Emerson Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized Emerson distributors or service providers can be another reliable approach. They might have access to internal resources or product catalogs that can provide detailed specifications based on the model codes, including any information regarding the “-CN” suffix.
  3. Alternative Online Sources (use with caution):

    • Industrial parts supplier websites might list the sensor and converter with specifications if they stock them. However, information accuracy, especially regarding detailed functionalities and the “-CN” suffix, might be limited.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure proper installation and wiring of the sensor and converter according to the manufacturer’s instructions and relevant safety regulations.
  • The specific functionalities and target applications might vary depending on the exact model variants (PR6423/002-030-CN and CON021) and the system they’re integrated into. Refer to the user manuals or consult with an Emerson representative for precise details, especially regarding the implications of the “-CN” suffix.