FANUC A06B-6079-H208

  • PLC Compatibility: Ensure the SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 is compatible with the specific PLC model used in your automation system [1, 2, 5]. Refer to PLC user manuals for compatible input modules.
  • Programming: The PLC program needs to be configured to communicate with the analog input module and interpret the received digital data for proper operation within your system [1, 2, 5].

If you’re working on an automation system that uses the SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 analog input module, consulting the user manual (if available) or contacting the distributor/supplier is recommended. They can provide the most accurate details about compatibility, configuration, and ensure successful integration within your specific system.




  • Connects to various external sensors or transmitters that output analog voltage signals [1, 2, 5]. These sensors might measure parameters like temperature, pressure, flow rate, or position.
  • Receives analog voltage signals from the connected sensors, which represent the measured physical quantity.
  • Converts these analog voltage signals into digital data with a specific resolution (e.g., 12-bit, 16-bit) [1, 2, 5]. Resolution refers to the number of discrete voltage levels the module can distinguish within the input voltage range.
  • Transmits the converted digital data to a compatible PLC over a communication interface (e.g., RS-485) [1, 2, 5].
  • The PLC can then interpret the digital data, perform calculations, and control actuators or other devices within the automation system based on the sensor readings.

Features (uncertain without user manual):

  • Number of Channels: The SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 designation might indicate the number of analog input channels (likely 3 in this case) [1, 2, 5]. User manual confirmation is needed.
  • Input Voltage Range: The module likely supports a specific analog voltage input range (e.g., 0-10V, -5V to +5V) [1, 2, 5]. Refer to the user manual or datasheet for details (if available).
  • Resolution: The module’s resolution determines the accuracy of the digital conversion process (e.g., 12-bit resolution offers 4096 digital values within the input voltage range) [1, 2, 5]. User manual confirmation is needed.
  • Communication Interface: The communication protocol used to transmit digital data to the PLC (e.g., RS-485) [1, 2, 5]. User manual confirmation is needed.


  • Commonly used in various industrial automation systems controlled by PLCs for data acquisition and control purposes:
    • Monitoring temperature, pressure, flow rate, or level in process control applications [1, 2, 5].
    • Reading position data from sensors for robot arm control or other motion control systems [1, 2, 5].
    • Receiving data from human-machine interface (HMI) devices like joysticks or buttons for operator control [1, 2, 5].

Finding More Information:

Obtaining detailed specifications, wiring diagrams, and programming instructions for the SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 is crucial for proper configuration and operation within your automation system. Here are ways to learn more about the analog input module:

  • SST Website (Chinese): If you can navigate a Chinese website, searc) for user manuals, datasheets, or product information using the model number SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 [1].
  • Distributor or Supplier: If you purchased the module from a distributor or supplier, they might have technical information or resources available [2, 5].
  • Universal Search: Search engines might lead you to information on similar modules from SST or other manufacturers, which can provide a general understanding of functionality [2, 5].

Additional Considerations:

  • PLC Compatibility: Ensure the SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 is compatible with the specific PLC model used in your automation system [1, 2, 5]. Refer to PLC user manuals for compatible input modules.
  • Programming: The PLC program needs to be configured to communicate with the analog input module and interpret the received digital data for proper operation within your system [1, 2, 5].

If you’re working on an automation system that uses the SST-1500-YCX-3-1-0 analog input module, consulting the user manual (if available) or contacting the distributor/supplier is recommended. They can provide the most accurate details about compatibility, configuration, and ensure successful integration within your specific system.