FANUC A20B-2002-0310

      • Spare parts catalogs: Fanuc might offer downloadable catalogs listing spare parts for their CNC machines. These catalogs might include the encoder with specifications or compatibility information for specific CNC models (availability depends on catalog publication date).
      • Service manuals: If you have access to service manuals for your particular CNC machine model, they might contain reference to the spindle motor encoder, including its model code and potentially some technical details.
  1. Authorized Fanuc Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized Fanuc distributors or service providers can be a more reliable approach. They might have access to internal resources or part databases that can identify the specific encoder variant based on the code A20B-2002-0310. They can also provide information on compatibility with your CNC machine model and suggest replacements if necessary.
  2. Alternative Online Sources (use with caution):

    • Industrial parts supplier websites might list the A20B-2002-0310 encoder with specifications if they stock it. However, information accuracy, especially regarding compatibility with your specific CNC machine model, might be limited. Be cautious and verify information from Fanuc or authorized distributors whenever possible.


The code FANUC A20B-2002-0310 likely identifies a Fanuc Spindle Motor Encoder, also known as a rotary encoder, used within CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines or other industrial automation systems. Here’s a breakdown of its function and how to find more information about it:


The FANUC A20B-2002-0310 encoder is a critical sensor within a CNC spindle motor. Its primary function is to:

  • Angular Position Tracking: The encoder precisely detects the rotational position of the spindle shaft. It converts the mechanical rotation into electrical signals, typically in the form of digital pulses.
  • Speed Detection: By monitoring the rate of change in the encoder’s output pulses, the system can calculate the rotational speed of the spindle motor. This information is crucial for maintaining precise control over the cutting tool or workpiece during CNC machining operations.


The FANUC A20B-2002-0310 spindle motor encoder finds application in various CNC machines manufactured by Fanuc, and potentially other industrial automation systems with rotary motors requiring precise positioning control. Here are some common examples:

  • CNC Milling Machines: The spindle encoder provides accurate positioning and speed feedback for the rotating spindle that holds the cutting tool. This ensures precise control during milling operations.
  • CNC Lathes: The encoder allows for the precise control of the workpiece rotation speed on a lathe, crucial for machining operations.
  • Industrial Rotary Systems: This encoder could be applicable in various industrial automation systems involving rotary motion control, providing feedback on motor shaft position and speed.

Finding More Information:

Obtaining detailed specifications and datasheets for the FANUC A20B-2002-0310 spindle motor encoder can be challenging due to potential variations within the encoder model or compatibility with specific motor types. Here are some methods you can try:

  1. Fanuc Website:

    • Visit the Fanuc website and search for the model code “A20B-2002-0310”. While you might not find a dedicated product page, there could be references within:
      • Spare parts catalogs: Fanuc might offer downloadable catalogs listing spare parts for their CNC machines. These catalogs might include the encoder with specifications or compatibility information for specific CNC models (availability depends on catalog publication date).
      • Service manuals: If you have access to service manuals for your particular CNC machine model, they might contain reference to the spindle motor encoder, including its model code and potentially some technical details.
  2. Authorized Fanuc Distributors or Service Providers:

    • Contacting authorized Fanuc distributors or service providers can be a more reliable approach. They might have access to internal resources or part databases that can identify the specific encoder variant based on the code A20B-2002-0310. They can also provide information on compatibility with your CNC machine model and suggest replacements if necessary.
  3. Alternative Online Sources (use with caution):

    • Industrial parts supplier websites might list the A20B-2002-0310 encoder with specifications if they stock it. However, information accuracy, especially regarding compatibility with your specific CNC machine model, might be limited. Be cautious and verify information from Fanuc or authorized distributors whenever possible.

Additional Notes:

  • The functionality and compatibility of this encoder might depend on the CNC machine model or specific spindle motor it’s integrated with. Refer to your CNC system’s user manuals or consult with a qualified automation professional for precise details, especially if you’re considering replacing or troubleshooting the spindle motor encoder.