While I couldn’t locate a specific datasheet for 33C-AJ-D, here are some helpful resources:

  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching online for “FOXBORO 33C-AJ-D datasheet” or “Invensys Foxboro temperature transmitter manual” you might find more specific information.



FOXBORO 33C-AJ-D is likely a temperature transmitter manufactured by Invensys Foxboro based on the information I found online. Here’s a breakdown of what it likely is:

  • Function: It measures temperature in a process and converts it into an electronic signal (usually 4-20mA current loop) that can be transmitted to a control system for monitoring and control purposes.
  • Features: (based on similar models)
    • Rugged and reliable design: Built to withstand harsh industrial environments with features like vibration resistance and extreme temperature tolerance.
    • Wide temperature range: Capable of measuring temperatures across a broad spectrum, depending on the specific sensor used.
    • Variety of sensor options: May be compatible with different types of temperature sensors like RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors) or thermocouples.
    • Easy installation: Designed for simple mounting and connection to process piping.


  • Used in various industrial process control applications where temperature needs to be monitored and regulated, such as:
    • Chemical processing plants
    • Oil and gas refineries
    • Power generation facilities
    • Food and beverage production
    • Water treatment plants

Where to find more information:

While I couldn’t locate a specific datasheet for 33C-AJ-D, here are some helpful resources:

  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching online for “FOXBORO 33C-AJ-D datasheet” or “Invensys Foxboro temperature transmitter manual” you might find more specific information.