• You might find user manuals, datasheets, or compatibility information for the P0700WB or suggested replacements.
  • Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers: Some suppliers sell spare parts for older automation systems. Search for terms like “Foxboro P0700WB” or “I/A Series Node Bus extender” on supplier websites. They might have limited information or datasheets available.

Additional Considerations:

  • System Compatibility: Ensure the P0700WB is compatible with your specific Foxboro I/A Series model and the existing Node Bus configuration.
  • Network Design: The number and placement of P0700WB modules depend on the overall network layout and cable lengths within your plant.
  • System Upgrade (possible): Depending on your needs and the availability of spare parts, consider upgrading to a newer I/A Series communication interface that might utilize different network topologies or protocols.

Remember, a properly designed and maintained Node Bus network with extenders like the P0700WB is crucial for reliable communication and efficient process control within your Foxboro I/A Series system.



The FOXBORO P0700WB you previously inquired about is a Node Bus extender module used within the Foxboro I/A Series instrumentation system [multiple sources]. It acts as a network repeater or signal booster to extend the communication range and functionality of the I/A Series Node Bus network [main function].

Here’s a breakdown of its functionalities and key aspects to consider:


  • The I/A Series Node Bus is a communication protocol that allows various I/A Series intelligent field devices (transmitters, actuators) to exchange data with the main I/A Series controllers [communication background].
  • The P0700WB module amplifies or regenerates the communication signals on the Node Bus cable, enabling them to travel longer distances within the process plant [core function as extender].
  • This extension capability allows for connecting I/A Series devices spread over a larger area to the central control system for process monitoring and control.

Key Features (based on available information):

  • Communication Protocol: Designed specifically for the Foxboro I/A Series Node Bus protocol [important aspect].
  • Cable Connection: Connects to the existing Node Bus cable within the plant, acting as a repeater or signal booster [connection method].
  • Power Supply: Likely requires an external power supply to operate and amplify the communication signals [possible feature, check datasheet].

Benefits of Using a P0700WB:

  • Extends Network Reach: Enables connection of I/A Series devices located further away from the main controllers.
  • Improves Signal Integrity: Regeneration of signals can help maintain data integrity over longer cable distances [possible benefit].
  • Modular Design (possible): Multiple P0700WB modules might be cascaded (connected in series) to extend the Node Bus network even further in very large process plants [possible application].

Applications (within Foxboro I/A Series):

  • Expanding I/A Series Node Bus network: Extending the communication range for connecting widely distributed field devices to the I/A Series system [main application].
  • Process control in large plants: Enabling data acquisition and control functionality for I/A Series devices in geographically expansive facilities [common application in process industries].

Finding More Information (due to potential obsolescence):

  • Schneider Electric Website (Foxboro is part of Schneider Electric): While the P0700WB might be an older model, searching for “Foxboro P0700WB” or “I/A Series Node Bus extender” on the Schneider Electric website might yield some results:

    • You might find user manuals, datasheets, or compatibility information for the P0700WB or suggested replacements.
  • Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers: Some suppliers sell spare parts for older automation systems. Search for terms like “Foxboro P0700WB” or “I/A Series Node Bus extender” on supplier websites. They might have limited information or datasheets available.

Additional Considerations:

  • System Compatibility: Ensure the P0700WB is compatible with your specific Foxboro I/A Series model and the existing Node Bus configuration.
  • Network Design: The number and placement of P0700WB modules depend on the overall network layout and cable lengths within your plant.
  • System Upgrade (possible): Depending on your needs and the availability of spare parts, consider upgrading to a newer I/A Series communication interface that might utilize different network topologies or protocols.

Remember, a properly designed and maintained Node Bus network with extenders like the P0700WB is crucial for reliable communication and efficient process control within your Foxboro I/A Series system.