• Cable Type (possible):
    • If a communication interface cable: Likely a shielded multi-conductor cable designed for transmitting data signals in industrial environments while minimizing electrical noise [important aspect for communication].
    • If a power supply cable: The cable specifications would depend on the voltage and power requirements of the devices it supplies.
  • Connector Types (possible):
    • Specific connectors on each end to ensure proper connection with I/A Series devices and the corresponding interface modules or power supply units [important aspect].
  • Length (possible):
    • Available in various lengths to accommodate different physical layouts of the process plant [possible feature].


The FOXBORO P0800DO is likely a cable used within the Foxboro I/A Series instrumentation system by Schneider Electric [multiple sources]. However, due to the potential obsolescence of the specific model and limited information available online, pinpointing its exact function is challenging. Here’s what we can gather based on common practices in industrial automation systems:

Possible Functions:

  • Communication Interface Cable (most likely): The P0800DO might be a communication interface cable for connecting I/A Series field devices (sensors, transmitters, actuators) to the main I/A Series controllers [main possibility]. This would enable the exchange of process data (temperature, pressure, flow, etc.) for process monitoring and control.
  • Power Supply Cable (possible): In some less likely scenarios, the P0800DO could be a power supply cable for providing power to specific I/A Series devices.

Key Features (based on possibilities):

  • Cable Type (possible):
    • If a communication interface cable: Likely a shielded multi-conductor cable designed for transmitting data signals in industrial environments while minimizing electrical noise [important aspect for communication].
    • If a power supply cable: The cable specifications would depend on the voltage and power requirements of the devices it supplies.
  • Connector Types (possible):
    • Specific connectors on each end to ensure proper connection with I/A Series devices and the corresponding interface modules or power supply units [important aspect].
  • Length (possible):
    • Available in various lengths to accommodate different physical layouts of the process plant [possible feature].

Communication Interface Possibilities (if applicable):

  • RS-485 (possible): A common industrial serial communication standard the P0800DO might support.
  • CAN bus (possible): Another possibility is a Controller Area Network (CAN bus) interface.
  • Specific I/A Series Protocol (possible): Foxboro I/A Series might have used a proprietary communication protocol, and the P0800DO could be designed for that specific protocol.