• Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching with the part number along with “Invensys Foxboro” or “pressure transmitter” you might find more specific information online.



FOXBORO P0926KK appears to be a pressure transmitter based on the information I found online. Here’s a breakdown of what it likely is:

  • Function: It’s a smart pressure transmitter manufactured
  • by Invensys Foxboro. These devices measure pressure in a process and convert it into an electronic signal that can be transmitted to a control system.
  • Features (based on similar models):
    • Rugged and reliable design: Built to withstand harsh industrial environments.
    • High accuracy and repeatability: Provides precise and consistent pressure measurements.
    • Wide pressure range and variety of pressure connections: Can be configured to measure a broad spectrum of pressures and can be connected to different process piping systems.
    • Electrical outputs: Typically offers outputs like 4-20mA current loop for easy integration with control systems.



  • Used in various industrial applications where pressure needs to be monitored and controlled, such as:
    • Chemical processing plants
    • Oil and gas refineries
    • Power generation facilities
    • Water treatment plants

Where to find more information:

While I couldn’t locate a specific datasheet for P0926KK, here are some helpful resources:

  • Industrial parts suppliers: Several suppliers sell this transmitter [supplier 1], [supplier 2] (similar to previous searches, I cannot share URLs but searching the supplier names should lead you to product pages). These pages might provide additional details or specifications.
  • Contact Invensys Foxboro: They might be able to provide a datasheet or manual if the part is still in production.

By searching with the part number along with “Invensys Foxboro” or “pressure transmitter” you might find more specific information online.