GE IC698CPE040-JP 模块

You’ve previously received information regarding GE Fanuc IC698CPE040-JP. Here’s a summary of what was identified:

  • Product Name: GE Fanuc IC698CPE040-JP Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (now manufactured by Schneider Electric)
  • Product Description: A compact and modular PLC designed for industrial automation applications.


You’ve previously received information regarding GE Fanuc IC698CPE040-JP. Here’s a summary of what was identified:

  • Product Name: GE Fanuc IC698CPE040-JP Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) (now manufactured by Schneider Electric)
  • Product Description: A compact and modular PLC designed for industrial automation applications.

Product Parameters:

  • Series: GE Fanuc IC698
  • CPU: Information about the specific CPU model might be limited due to the product’s age.
  • Memory: The code “040” likely indicates memory capacity, but the exact value (e.g., 40 KB, 40 MB) might require referring to official resources.
  • Communication Ports: Information about available communication ports (e.g., Ethernet, serial) might be limited and require consulting manuals or datasheets.
  • Input/Output (I/O): The number and type of available input and output channels might not be readily available online and would likely require referencing manuals or contacting Schneider Electric.

Additional Information:

  • This model is likely an older product, as the GE Fanuc brand is now under Schneider Electric.
  • Due to the product’s age, comprehensive information online might be limited.


  • Schneider Electric Website: While the specific model information might not be readily available, explore the Industrial Automation or Machine Control sections to understand similar PLC series offered by Schneider Electric. You can also try searching the website using the complete model code.
  • Schneider Electric Contact Support: Contacting Schneider Electric support directly is recommended for obtaining the most up-to-date information about the specific PLC model. They might have access to archived manuals, datasheets, or resources.
  • Alternative Resources:
    • Search online through industrial parts distributors or automation forums for discussions or references mentioning the PLC model.
    • Look for older GE Fanuc catalogs or manuals that might contain information about the IC698CPE040-JP model.