In-depth technical specifications, wiring diagrams, and calibration procedures for the IS200TPROH1C can be found through several resources:

  • GE Mark VI System Manuals: Locate the technical manuals or documentation pertaining to your specific GE Mark VI Speedtronic system (or Mark VIe if applicable). These manuals should provide a parts list with details on the IS200TPROH1C, including:

    • A detailed description of its function within the emergency shutdown system.
    • Wiring schematics for proper connection to sensors and other control modules.


The GE IS200TPROH1C is an Emergency Protection Terminal Board (TPRO) used within the GE Mark VI Series gas turbine control systems, specifically the Speedtronic MKVI and possibly the Mark VIe variation. It plays a critical role in ensuring safe turbine operation by managing emergency shutdown procedures.

Here’s a breakdown of its functionalities and how you can find more information about it:


  • The IS200TPROH1C interfaces with various sensors and devices that monitor critical operating parameters of the gas turbine. These sensors can include:
    • Vibration sensors
    • Temperature sensors
    • Pressure sensors 
    • Flame detectors
  • When an abnormal condition is detected by these sensors, exceeding pre-defined safety thresholds, the TPRO board initiates an emergency shutdown sequence to protect the turbine from potential damage. This sequence might involve:
    • Tripping (opening) safety valves to stop fuel flow to the turbine.
    • Issuing commands to other control modules to shut down auxiliary systems.
    • Triggering alarms to alert operators of the emergency situation.


The IS200TPROH1C plays a vital role in ensuring safe and reliable turbine operation by:

  • Monitoring critical parameters for potential hazards.
  • Initiating a fast and reliable emergency shutdown sequence in case of
  • abnormal conditions.
  • Minimizing the risk of equipment damage and personnel injury.

Finding Specific Information:

In-depth technical specifications, wiring diagrams, and calibration procedures for the IS200TPROH1C can be found through several resources:

  • GE Mark VI System Manuals: Locate the technical manuals or documentation pertaining to your specific GE Mark VI Speedtronic system (or Mark VIe if applicable). These manuals should provide a parts list with details on the IS200TPROH1C, including:

    • A detailed description of its function within the emergency shutdown system.
    • Wiring schematics for proper connection to sensors and other control modules.
    • Calibration procedures (if applicable) to ensure accurate sensor data interpretation and timely emergency response.
  • GE Customer Support: GE’s support team has the most up-to-date and accurate information. Reach out to them regarding the IS200TPROH1C, specifying its use within the GE Mark VI Speedtronic (or Mark VIe) system.