HONEYWELL 51403519-160 K4LCN-16


  • Honeywell Support: If you require a replacement memory processor module for your TDC 3000 system, contacting Honeywell support might be an option. They might suggest alternatives or refurbished parts depending on availability.
  • Upgrading the Control System: Consider upgrading your entire control system to a newer Honeywell or alternative DCS solution that offers improved performance, features, and support.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the HONEYWELL 51403519-160 K4LCN-16, memory processor modules, or the TDC 3000 system.



The HONEYWELL 51403519-160 K4LCN-16 is a memory processor module used in Honeywell’s TDC 3000 system, a legacy distributed control system (DCS) for industrial process control applications.

Here’s a breakdown of the information and its potential functionalities:

  • Honeywell 51403519-160: This is likely a product code assigned by Honeywell for internal identification and tracking purposes.

  • K4LCN-16: This might indicate the specific model or variant of the memory processor module.

  • TDC 3000 System: The TDC 3000 is a mature DCS product line used in various industries to control and monitor industrial processes like oil and gas refining, chemical processing, and power generation.

Functionality (Possible):

  • Memory: The module likely provides memory for storing system programs, configuration data, and process data within the TDC 3000 system.
  • Processor: It might integrate a processor unit responsible for executing control algorithms, handling communication tasks, and performing calculations required for process control.


  • Limited Availability (Possible): The TDC 3000 system is a legacy product line. The K4LCN-16 memory processor module might be difficult to find new, and Honeywell might have limited support for it.
  • System Integration: The module is designed to work specifically within the TDC 3000 system. It likely requires specialized configuration and might not be compatible with other control systems.

Finding Information:

  • Honeywell Website: Honeywell’s website for legacy products might have limited information on the K4LCN-16 module. You can explore the resources section for the TDC 3000 system:
  • Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers: Look for online retailers or industrial parts suppliers that might carry the K4LCN-16 (new or surplus). Be cautious when buying used equipment and ensure compatibility with your system.


  • Honeywell Support: If you require a replacement memory processor module for your TDC 3000 system, contacting Honeywell support might be an option. They might suggest alternatives or refurbished parts depending on availability.
  • Upgrading the Control System: Consider upgrading your entire control system to a newer Honeywell or alternative DCS solution that offers improved performance, features, and support.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the HONEYWELL 51403519-160 K4LCN-16, memory processor modules, or the TDC 3000 system.