HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM

  • Honeywell Support: If you require a replacement SBHM for your TDC 3000 system, contacting Honeywell support might be an option. They might suggest alternatives or refurbished parts depending on availability.
  • Upgrading the Control System: Consider upgrading your entire control system to a newer Honeywell or alternative DCS solution that offers improved data storage options, features, and support. These newer systems might integrate with modern data storage solutions for easier data accessibility and analysis.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM, historical data storage in DCS, or the TDC 3000 system.



The HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM is a Single Board History Module (SBHM) used in Honeywell’s TDC 3000 system, a legacy Distributed Control System (DCS) for industrial process control applications.

Here’s a breakdown of what we know about the SBHM:

  • Function (Possible): The SBHM likely functions as a non-volatile memory module for storing historical process data within the TDC 3000 system.
    • “Single Board” suggests it’s a self-contained unit with memory chips and possibly a controller.
    • “History Module” implies its purpose is to store historical data.
  • Capacity (Possible): Information about the specific capacity (storage size) of the SBHM might be difficult to find. However, some resources suggest it offers 1.8 GB of storage for each “logical drive” within the module.

Applications (Within TDC 3000 System):

  • Storing historical data on process variables like temperature, pressure, flow, and level.
  • Enabling trend analysis and performance monitoring of the process over time.
  • Providing data for troubleshooting and diagnostics purposes.


  • Legacy System: The TDC 3000 is a mature product line. The SBHM is a crucial component for historical data storage, but it might be difficult to find new units, and Honeywell might have limited support for it.
  • Data Retrieval: Retrieving historical data stored on the SBHM might require specialized software or tools compatible with the TDC 3000 system.

Finding Information:

  • Limited Resources: Honeywell’s website for legacy products might have limited information on the SBHM. You can explore the resources section for the TDC 3000 system:
  • Industrial Automation Parts Suppliers: Look for online retailers or industrial parts suppliers that might carry the SBHM (new or surplus). Be cautious when buying used equipment and ensure compatibility with your system.


  • Honeywell Support: If you require a replacement SBHM for your TDC 3000 system, contacting Honeywell support might be an option. They might suggest alternatives or refurbished parts depending on availability.
  • Upgrading the Control System: Consider upgrading your entire control system to a newer Honeywell or alternative DCS solution that offers improved data storage options, features, and support. These newer systems might integrate with modern data storage solutions for easier data accessibility and analysis.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about the HONEYWELL 51403645-100 SBHM, historical data storage in DCS, or the TDC 3000 system.