IC698CMX016 GE

Origin :USA
Warranty: One year
Contact information :+ 86-18135190546
Email :1203249398@qq.com



purpose: the most economical engineering investment, the most powerful control function.
Five features of Industria1″ DCS system:
1. All-round integrated control system, integrating DCS & PLC & Field Bus;
2. Using RISC SuperScalar high-speed CPU, with super performance;

Three high reliability, strict industrial application practice, more than 1000 sets of application performance in China;
4. It has good openness, flexibility and scalability;
Fifth, the project is easy, the interface is friendly, and the maintenance is simple;
2. Industria1″ system communication

Industrial” system uses international standard industrial bus. Field controller supports Profibus, FF, ModBus, Can, etc.
International standard fieldbus, Profibus is the most widely used open fieldbus international standard in the world, divided into FMS, DP and PA
Level 3, DP communication rate can be as high as 12Mb. Profibus is used to connect