MOOG D138-002-001

Obtaining the exact functionalities of the D138-002-001 license key can be challenging due to the potential lack of publicly available information. Here are some ways to learn more:

  • Contact Moog Support: Reaching out to Moog’s technical support is the most effective way to determine the specific features enabled by the D138-002-001 license key. They can provide details on motion control functionalities, communication protocols, or any other features associated with this license.
  • MSD Software Documentation (if available): If you have access to the user manuals or reference guides for your specific Moog MSD controller software, there might be a section explaining the different license key options and their corresponding functionalities.


The information available online about Moog D138-002-001 is limited, but based on previous searches and what I can find, here’s what it likely is:

Moog D138-002-001 appears to be a license key for the Moog Modular Servo Drive (MSD) Motion Controller software.

Here’s a breakdown of the details we can glean:

  • Moog Modular Servo Drive (MSD): This refers to a family of industrial motion controllers produced by Moog for controlling electric motors in various automation applications.
  • Software License Key: The D138-002-001 code suggests it’s a license key that unlocks specific functionalities within the MSD Motion Controller software.

Possible Functionalities (based on similar products):

Without a specific datasheet, it’s difficult to say for certain which features D138-002-001 unlocks. However, based on Moog’s documentation for the MSD controllers [reference to Moog document], here are some possibilities:

  • Motion Control Library: This might grant access to advanced motion profiles, trajectory planning features, and coordinated motion control for multiple axes within the MSD software.
  • Communication Protocols: The license key could enable additional communication protocols beyond the standard options, allowing the MSD to connect and interact with other industrial devices or networks (e.g., Profibus, CANopen).
  • Function Block Library: It might unlock an extended library of pre-programmed function blocks for common motion control tasks within the MSD environment.

Finding More Information:

Obtaining the exact functionalities of the D138-002-001 license key can be challenging due to the potential lack of publicly available information. Here are some ways to learn more:

  • Contact Moog Support: Reaching out to Moog’s technical support is the most effective way to determine the specific features enabled by the D138-002-001 license key. They can provide details on motion control functionalities, communication protocols, or any other features associated with this license.
  • MSD Software Documentation (if available): If you have access to the user manuals or reference guides for your specific Moog MSD controller software, there might be a section explaining the different license key options and their corresponding functionalities.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider the context in which you encountered the D138-002-001 (e.g., mentioned in software documentation or used with a specific MSD controller). This context might provide clues about the intended purpose of the license key.

By using a combination of these approaches, you should be able to gain a better understanding of the Moog D138-002-001 license key and the functionalities it unlocks within the Moog MSD Motion Controller software for industrial automation applications.