• Availability: Finding new units of the MVME162-10 might be difficult due to its age. Consider using online parts suppliers or marketplaces for used equipment, but be aware of potential limitations.
  • Modern Alternatives: Several manufacturers offer modern embedded controllers with significantly improved processing power, memory capacity, communication options, and feature sets. Look for options compatible with your existing hardware and software (if applicable) and application requirements.
  • Project Requirements: Consider what you need the embedded controller for. If you’re prototyping or learning about embedded systems, the MVME162-10 might be a suitable option if you can find a functional unit at a reasonable price. However, for modern industrial automation applications, a more powerful and up-to-date embedded controller is likely a better choice.


The MVME162-10 appears to be a single-board computer or embedded controller designed by Motorola for use in industrial automation and embedded systems applications. Here’s a breakdown of the potential functionalities and what you can find about it:


Based on the naming convention and available information, the MVME162-10 likely:

  • Processes data and executes control programs.
  • Interfaces with various sensors and actuators through input/output (I/O) ports.
  • Communicates with other devices on a network (potentially using VMEbus).

Specifications (limited information available):

  • Processor: Likely based on the Motorola 68040 microprocessor (or possibly the 68LC040 variant) with a clock speed of around 25 MHz (based on online listings).
  • Memory: Potentially offers 1MB, 4MB, or 8MB of RAM (depending on the specific model variant).
  • VMEbus Compatibility: The “MVME” prefix suggests compatibility with Motorola’s VMEbus (Versa Module Eurocard bus) systems, which were widely used for industrial automation applications.

Finding Information:

While Motorola is no longer a standalone company (being acquired by Freescale Semiconductor in 2004, which in turn was acquired by NXP Semiconductors in 2015), here are some resources you can explore to learn more about the MVME162-10:

  • Motorola Documentation Archive: Websites like Bitsavers might archive historical documentation for Motorola products. You can find the MVME 162-10 User’s Manual here:
  • Online Parts Suppliers: Look for websites of industrial automation parts suppliers who might stock used MVME162-10 units or similar embedded controllers from Motorola. They might have datasheets or specifications available. However, since this is an older product, availability might be limited. Here are some examples:
    • Amikon:
    • eBay (for used units): You can find some listings on eBay, but be cautious about condition and functionality when considering used equipment.

Alternatives and Considerations:

  • Availability: Finding new units of the MVME162-10 might be difficult due to its age. Consider using online parts suppliers or marketplaces for used equipment, but be aware of potential limitations.
  • Modern Alternatives: Several manufacturers offer modern embedded controllers with significantly improved processing power, memory capacity, communication options, and feature sets. Look for options compatible with your existing hardware and software (if applicable) and application requirements.
  • Project Requirements: Consider what you need the embedded controller for. If you’re prototyping or learning about embedded systems, the MVME162-10 might be a suitable option if you can find a functional unit at a reasonable price. However, for modern industrial automation applications, a more powerful and up-to-date embedded controller is likely a better choice.

I hope this information helps!