1. Distributor Websites (Use with Caution):

    • Search online for industrial parts distributors that might list the SAM MXM402. However, exercise caution regarding the information’s accuracy and source:
      • You can find these on websites like Amikon (although information might be limited
    • Information on the SAM MXM402 might be available on archive websites or forums. However, critically evaluate the information’s date, source, and relevance to your specific model:
      • Look for electronics component distributor websites or online communities focused on industrial automation.


The SAM MXM402 appears to be an analog multiplexer module based on available information. Here’s a breakdown of its potential function and how to find more information about it:


  • An analog multiplexer module like the SAM MXM402 allows you to select one of several analog input signals and connect it to a single output channel.
  • This is useful in applications where you have multiple sensors or analog signals and you want to monitor or process them using a single measuring device or data acquisition system.
  • By applying a specific control signal, the multiplexer selects the desired input channel, routing its signal to the output.

Possible Features:

  • The specific features of the SAM MXM402 will depend on the model variant, but it might include:
    • Number of Input Channels: The number of analog signals it can handle simultaneously (typically 4, 8, or 16).
    • Input Voltage Range: The range of voltages the multiplexer can handle for the input signals.
    • Switching Speed: The time it takes for the multiplexer to switch between channels.
    • Output Buffering: Whether the output signal is amplified or buffered to maintain signal integrity.

Finding More Information:

Since the SAM MXM402 might be an older model, finding detailed information can be challenging. Here are some resources you can explore, but be cautious about the accuracy and completeness of the information:

  1. Distributor Websites (Use with Caution):

    • Search online for industrial parts distributors that might list the SAM MXM402. However, exercise caution regarding the information’s accuracy and source:
      • You can find these on websites like Amikon (although information might be limited
    • Information on the SAM MXM402 might be available on archive websites or forums. However, critically evaluate the information’s date, source, and relevance to your specific model:
      • Look for electronics component distributor websites or online communities focused on industrial automation.
  2. Alternative Approach:

    • If detailed information on the SAM MXM402 is unavailable, consider searching for generic information on analog multiplexers. This can provide a good understanding of their functionality and selection criteria.

Additional Considerations:

  • If you require a new analog multiplexer module, various manufacturers offer them. Look for options with the number of channels, voltage range, and switching speed suitable for your application.
  • Consider factors like compatibility with your existing data acquisition system or measurement device.